Kian Imagine

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Hi! =] Busy day today..


Imagine waking up outside with Kian. You look around and see plastic cups on the lawn. Your head starts to hurt and you groan. Kian sits up and wraps his arms around you placing his chin on your shoulder. You tell Kian to get off because you don't feel good and he kisses your cheek getting up. You follow him to his car and you both get in it. You ask Kian what the hell happened last night and he laughs. He tells you it was a big party and that everyone got wasted and passed out all over the house. Someone was even asleep in the bathroom tub... Kian drove home and you immediately got medicine and went to Kians room. A few minutes later Kian came in and pulled you onto him and hugged you. You fell asleep trying to forget about your nasty headache. Kian just held you because he knew he shouldn't have taken you with him. He seems to get a bit crazy at parties and he makes you do everything he does. So you can't handle it. He felt bad so he just let you sleep on his chest for the whole day.


Aye next week we are going back on track with longer imagines! =] also we are at 4k reads :') I'm so happy! Also thanks for the 70 votes we are so close to 100 votes!! :D

QOTD: Why are you guys so amazing and cute? cx

Byeeeee =]

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