Xenomorph Queen

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"Graaaaaah, my queen eats your marine, you lost," said Lucas, holding a large figure from the Alien saga. The figurine is about 30 cm high and the head is placed against the figurine of a poor plastic marine hero resembling Arnold Zwarzegeger, a cigar in his mouth.

"No, he still has a pack of grenades he put in the queen's mouth. And Bam, your queen is dead, exploded. And the other Marines have burned your eggs and they can escape with the escape pods. "- Ron.

"Ron, you forgot the child the Marine has with them, was implanted by a face kisser and when they go into hibernation, the stomach explodes and that will be the end of the game."

"No, there is still an android in the mission to monitor the cryogenic phase," Ron replied.

Lucas: "Okay, drop the dice to see if he's become paranoid like in the movie and if he's going to choose the Alien or Human side".

"Kids, the barbecue is ready, a table," said their mother and aunt.

"Okay, let's see after the meal that will win" - Ron

The 2 children run out of the camper van's tent, parked near the lake.

"Whaah, sausages of all colors, I want mustard white."

"I'll have the curry."

"Calm down, kids, wash your hands and take your drinks in the cooler." - Mom.

The father comes with a large inflatable boat resembling a large crocodile.

"WAAAAH daddyaaaa, we can try it? we can try it? hey hey hey hey hey, please just for a minute."

Father: "No, after eating and helping Mom and Aunt to wash the dishes and put the drinks and sauces back in the freezer".

OHHHHHHKAY with a fallen face made the kids.

Then the 2 children ran to the camping table.

The whole meal was a battle to know who is rowing and who is guiding.

The two children decided to attack the birds with aliens with nerve guns, which they have specially improved for camping.

They want to make unpleasant jokes and catch birds or better, frogs or snakes to drop them in the tents of young girls in the neighbourhood. At this age, girls are more mature and want to play mom/adult as soon as possible.

Boys are after all, guys...

"Lucas, did you take the fries, barbecue meat and beer to catch crocodiles or birds?"

"Yes, and I took a lot of cookies with me so that we could have a survival camp there.

"we'll take the inflatable boat and call it NOSTROMO GATOR and it'll be our spaceship and the lake water will be SPACE"

"Yes, it will be fun, and the birds will be eaten by huggers for the Queen."

"Goodbye, Daddy, goodbye, Aunt"

"Come back when it gets dark and stay by the lake. It's not shallow, but it's after the yellow buoys. Never go further than the buoys, okay? Promise me, my darlings?"

"Yes, as they started rowing on the big green boat."

It is so large that 3 adults can hold on to it or 5 children and the legs serve as a stabilizer so it is very safe.

The 2 space navigators arrive in the remote part of the lake, near the birds. There are many of them. They hide under the curved flexible tail inside the boat to surprise the birds.

"Do you want to see if there are any wolves here?" Ron

"Yes, but there are no wolves here. That's impossible, they're in a park, not near a campsite" -Lucas

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