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A moment of peace.

The team has rented a bus and many people where at the parking in front of the airport.

hundred of people were packed to see me. So more temerair rush to me to make selfies and others were screaming wha t a monster.

Then comes the childrens attack.

We are ther froud knightand we free the airport from the beast.

I started immediately to play and the police had to intervend to disperse the peoples.

some had autographs ans on comes with a clay and asked a print of my claw.

Then I gently says at the ranch they sell wyrm souvenir. you must support wild life. then

I started to sing and chirp.

Several days later, there were a music hit using my chirp remix.


I say my reverence like an artist and jump in the air, making a




then i follow the bus and after turning arond 2 hours for the car to arrive destination as we have rocky roads.

There were a valley surrunded by mountains, big tree forest,

wondefull hills and real beauty wilderness.

For me it's paradise. Warm climate, geysers, hot lakes and boiling water caves. all was a bliss for me and oreys everywhere.

The first thing I do is to reach one of the rocky peak. Some tourist and campers where there and look the gigantic bird flying upon their heads

Then I land on the rochous peak and i fill my lunges at the maximum and I let a


Then sound was terrific and can be compared to a volcano explosion just before the pyroclastic effect.

The sound wave can be heard 100Km.

All animals in the park and around know now who is the boss.

And just after,I expulse all my anger and frustration in a circle of fire breath around me in the sky.

Some witness call the firemen saying the mountain is a volcano entering eruption.

The park organizers have had to write an article as it's normal in the dragon instinct to claim his territory by roaring.

SO I arrive at the ranch, with stress relieved and I helped to arrange the barn and the hangar.


I will arrange it  like a for country concert, paint in red and white. so i have now red paint and i started to repaint the farm in red and white.

It was easy because my size, i didn't need a step and the job was made quickly.

I arranged the hall end with a big mat and a TV projector so I can rest the evening. on the side f the mat there was some sofa and chairs so some friends can eat with me.

In the center I set a fire pit with an enormous grid for BBQ maxi. and some big crate to place some of my stuffs. I order on amazon.

There were also an other hall, bigger where public and visitors can see their favorite mascots.

The opening of the park was delayed 3 weeks so i can rest and heal my traumas. I ha often horrible nightmares.

So at the opening of the park, the maximum capacity was reached every days for 2 months. I had request from Disney-world as an attraction. but I gently says them later.

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