A Big Catch for a big Stomach

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A./N. :Latest CORRECTED CHAPTER (Improved English and nonsense sentenses removed

added Pictures . Thank you for understanding)

Main Police Station: "We have lost the beast and it is smarter than we think. The smell of the wolf bothered the dogs and some were injured during the hunt." It's not going anywhere.

But some witnesses told us that a gigantic snake wanders in the northern forest near the lakes. He must have a GPS to get to the worst area we can find. All this is wilder and full of hiding places. At this rate, even with the best of the Rangers, we won't find anything. That's all I had to say" and Inspector Drick said goodbye to his subordinates.

In the morning, wolves start their daily activities, mothers and young females feed and educate their puppies, orphans are cared for by other wolves, older ones are helped by the young and adults and older puppies go hunting. Each group member has an assigned mission that corresponds to his or her role: guarding the den, teaching youth to hunt, solo hunting mission, group hunting mission for larger prey, cleaning and wound healing, etc.

I now understand the sentence: "If you want to live long, never try to wake a sleeping dragon."

I naturally wake up angry (Why does instinct come into play?): "What? Is it ready?"

I have the reflex to open my tablet to hear the radio news but I have to restrict my human habits here in the presence of these wolves.

They can be boring but I find them warm and I am jealous of their happiness, of their family.

Then I discover that being an animal, you can have a family of animals and be happy too and have friends. Like pokémon...... Of course not, but that's a bit like that now that I talk to the animals.

When I think of Pokemon, I was shocked to hear OCTAHEDRON's voice


---POKEBALL is like a magic sphere SUMMON/UNSUMMON where you can transfer your victim into a subspace with food for them. You must provide a plastic sphere and paper inside for it to work. The sphere will be the container and the paper the call information.

"NONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that's not true. I am now a pokemon dragon trainer and I laugh sarcastically "Catch them all!".

A: "It's for today or tomorrow? "Let's go now!"

After an hour of running, the alpha shows signs not to move and points with his snout at a troop of deer. They should be about 15 units. They eat grass peacefully when two of them look in our direction.

I'm not wasting any time. It's starting to rain. Good. I jump to the sky to the surprise of the friendly wolves and wave to leave. They understand silently and I roar in front of the deer herd. They gather and freeze in fear. Then I open my mouth and lightning strikes as close as possible. Electricity is pernicious because the ground transmits it to the next, the next and the next and in a synchronous gesture, all 20 deer fall towards their loss, their hearts stopped, instantly killed, killed in a single blow.

Wolves are instantly frozen by the fear of the angel of death flying a few meters above their heads.

They curl up in fear. Even the Alpha complains and begs "Have mercy, Lord of Heaven, we have been rude to you. Kill me and take my place and may my sacrifice appease your anger against us...". Another wolf said, "Please take my life but spare the others" and they start whining. I think it was a competition to determine who would complain the most.

I say, "If you have a whining contest, I'll win because I lost my manhood.

All the wolves freeze and look at me with amazement: "Are you a Mademoiselle? Miss Dragon?"

I fall and start crying: "I learned it yesterday, I am now a girl", my eyes full of tears.

All the wolves jump on me and pamper my neck to comfort me. That's what I needed. I hug the wolves with my winged arms so as not to hurt them. "Thank you, my friends, thank you."

The wolves look at each other and say to each other: "She has a good heart, we must help her and take her as if she were family" as they nodded at each other.

"How do we transport all this meat?" asks Alpha.

I'll try to take them by flying in 3-4 trips if you can take some with you too.

"STOP, I have an idea to lose weight. I will skin them as humans do." I scream

"Why?" asked a wolf.

"Because it will reduce the weight by 2 and the meat will stay and taste better when the deer carcass is emptied."

Let me show you... :

No meat in the head and horns, I cut the meat with my claws.No meat at the base of the legs, so I break the bones of the legs.I empty my stomach by showing them how to hang the corpse and drop the stomach, now empty.I hold this on one side and pull the skin out and remove it."What are you doing with the skin? You chew it to extract the juice, and you make leather out of it," I told them."What is the purpose of leather?" asked the youngest."Leather can make a comfortable nest and you can put heavy prey in it and pull it to your den.So we start bringing all this meat back to our lair.all the wolves of the tribe drool in front of MY CAPTUREROAAAAAAAR.

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