The Plane

154 6 0

My cage is transported to the cargo airport.  There are 2 military vehicle before and after the truck. 

One has an anti-aircraft machine gun  on a turret and the other is a troop transport with light armored. 

The collar is tight and painful and my hind legs  hurt like hell. Also my tail ... the cage is too small.

Each bump of the road, I hurt my heat and my neck. 

add the previous treatment of my dear Father.

I kept the cross and the veil. 

Even if I was ridiculous with it.  Now they are a treasure to keep preciously.  It can make the difference between life and death.

Now, all I have left is my thrust in GOD.  This is the only thing who separate me from animals.

In jail, the slaves had only the religion and hope with them.  This is terrible.


Aye, it hurts.

The cage was covered by a camouflage cover and I couldn't see outside.

Hopefully, my HUD is still working and GPS is not disabled.

The technical powers are not sealed.  good.

Only mystic like darkness transfer and access. BAD, no escape

I still can breath fire and zap. good.

I still can scan and hack. good

Mutagen venom , good

No dimensional power bad.

No Octahedron very bad.

No regeneration, very bad.

Shield passive ok Good.

No Magic missile, very bad.

Stealth alloys present, good

Silver alloys present, very good.

Para magnetic alloys present, very good.

Healing, very good.

Cure poison, ah very good.

Light, ok

Sanctuary, ok

Create water, ok

Detect evil, ok

purify water,ok

detect magic, ok

protection against evil,ok

remove fear, ok

resist cold, ok




I'm loaded in the plane.

The back of the plane is opened and the cage is rolled to the back.  The door is opening down and serve as a ramp. 

The cover is now removed so the heavy armed soldier can have a look at me.

"Oh, my gosh, what a beast, the size is impressive.  normal the peoples want this monster dead.  Hey it is looking my way! "

I whine to stop their cruelty. 

"Hey look, the big guy is a cry-baby"


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