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KENT : "Welcome back to the base.  You have successfully cleared this trial.  We knew all you were innocent and you have not unleashed violence and rebelled.  You have not revealed anything but don't takes us for a fool! What is the truth with the eggs? "

Me: As I told you before, the code with TRON is true and you have seen the effects.

But you don't know the power of the TET! and the dracolich!

I am powerless against them! they are 5  to 6 times more powerfull than me.  I can win against them but it will lead 100% to the end of the world and the Gmen have certainly countermeasures.

The US base has been destroyed by 1 unit monstro fighter!"

KENT, terrorised  : "It , it , it was you????"

me: "Your army is a toy for me.  1 unit from my Chaos ARMY can destroy a base completely.  your weapons are like neanderthal vs 2018 us soldier.  And I am using only 2018 technology I mixed with dragon magic.  I can produce hundreds of units at one time .  Imagine 500 units 5 more time stronger attacking you?

KENT: "We are lost !"

Me: "No, we have the Arch currently under construction and you have me

All we have to do is to get a low profile and no attracting attention."

Tania :"We can go on the mission as planned previously?"

Me: Ok"

Tania :"You will setup in Haanja looduspark in Estonia as a wild Wyrm and scientist and naturalist will comes to observe you. We officially say you are under protection in Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia. Expect some poachers and hunters but you will not receive protection from Estonia because the rumors of city burned in Georgia.  The pro-Russia are safe but the western part controlled by pro-nato have suffered local massacres.  You can take a hidden go-pro who looks like scales to send us images. You can contact me on my secret phone.  I know you are able without equipment.  I am not dumb.

I suppose you go there with your own means. I will not ask as you have your secrets and I have mines.  It's a rule even between members of family doing our job."

me: "Do you have a unused or damaged nuclear reactor or some waste?"

Kent, Tania : "HUh??"

me : "I need energy and I can eat nuclear waste.  It's tasty for me and I need it if I have to fight the same wyrm as me"

So after I vore some nuclear waste, I feel full again and I scan the south Estonia and check the sand caves have enough volume and enough passage. 

So  I shout :"

"For the Glory of Darkness and CHAOS, I Summon the Base to SANDCAVERNS in ESTONIA.

The I Montana, A yellow Lightning hit the mountain

The Spherical Lab Is enrobed by a Gold light and the air around goes to pink as the Air is reacting to the plasmic energy. Then Darkness fill the volume and it disappear in thin air. letting behind a giant cave.

Somewhere near the Haanja Nature Park,  a dark cloud darker than others is occulting the sun rays on the target destination and all is plunged in somber light.

The sand cavern is filled with golden sparks and the shadow of the base is appearing. then the pattern is filled with pure dark and the shape of the base is clearly visible. Then the sphere is shining in pink then gold and the light disappear, revealing the base complete. The entrance is now connected to the system of gallery  but the outer cave has no access to exterior.  It means if a speleologist is walking, he will find only the entrance gate who is hidden as a dead end.  The outside of the base is not reachable as filled with rocks and dirt, making the base much more resistant to a blasting or attack. 

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