A new sport

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You think I am crazy ?

Yes I am, my wife and children were always saying it. 

When I saw my children and tourist skiing; I got jealous.  I have sinned. And because of that, many people have lost their life.

One day the CNN asked an interview with me at the ranch.

"Do you feel responsible for the drama who has occurred? what are your comments?

So I sat on the sofa, freshly cleaned and I was always sure all was clean to receive surprise guests.

me: "Yes, I feel almost sorry for the victims and their family. 

You know, I was jealous of the tourist skiing and I craved for it.  It was the first arrived, first served so I made a stuipid bet with my children and I created this sport."

journalist "So how it happened?

I saw a van with a big donuts on it. and I like donuts in chocolate.  It has stopped at the base of the mountain near the Indian village.  A local party I suppose and I suddenly had a urge for donuts. when I am like this my stomach is the boss.  So I bet to be the first down the mountain to get the donuts.  They said I cheated by flying and they  were faster with ski than me running after.

So they started skiing and they were faster than me. So I tough a joke I made when child with an old tire rolling down the hill to crash in the kitchen of a neighbor.

S I bite my tail, to form a roll and enter my paws inside.

VRRRRrrrrrrrrrroar as I roared of bliss.

Then I let me got and surprisingly I had not the vertigo.  It was fast, very fast.  I then started to adjust position, break, and direction then speed, high speed.  all in my way was crushed and flattened. I rebound on hills and ravine .  I won the contest but I had to wait for them to purchase for me as people know about me thanks the press but they are always frightened.

Then  Fly and get to a rock and roll down on the rock. My scales and elasticity make me rolling like crazy.  I bounce, re bounce, glide and roll down a valley and with the kinetic energy re rool up the other side.

SO I tell you youngs who watch me, don't do this at home,

I know some ave tried a latex  or rubber dragon costume who make furor on internet: You will die.  "


After the emission TV, the number of death by DRAGON DONUTS  has increased drastically.

Some donuts seller now have pictures of a dragon and they have a Pistachio flavor with green scales for sale : Dragon donuts.  Around the world there are now on ski station green tires you can enter and roll down the mountain.

I've been called the coolest on the net by some hardcore sport freak.

Ahhh it was fun...

I, the Dragon.  What to do now?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora