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He is the famous inspector that Drick's people talk about on radio and television. His reputation is not exaggerated when I see him in front of me. He takes me completely by surprise and he is a good hunter as I see him. His men secured the area and expected to catch criminals and a pet, but not a beast like me. How cunning he is. I would like to kiss him like a star, because I regret and wish he would help me and become a friend. But I'm on the wrong side. THINK AND THINK FAST. I could skip them all, but violence leads to more violence. And I don't think this guy's bad.

I must be a good animal. Animals are not criminals, only the owner. A little comedy can help.


Drick: "STOP, don't move" he shouts at his subordinates on his Bluetooth device.

And suddenly, the police and the sniper don't move.

I'm sure the sniper didn't see the dart fall to the ground, but maybe.

I slowly change posture and keep my mouth motionless with the deer inside. My mouth is not completely closed because of the deer so no risk: I drop the deer at the foot of the controller and I cry, closing my mouth, my weak point.

The interior has different textures resistant to heat and electricity but not shielded.

Then I throw the deer at its foot and lower my head, moaning like a pet to release the tension.

Of course not, it doesn't work that way.

Fear invades men and I shut my mouth to show as few teeth as possible, but the larger ones protrude like alligators.

"What is it, what a beast, it's not possible, so big!" said Drick. "Boss, let's shoot" asks the other officer. "No, wait."

"There, there, there, calm, calm, calm," he said. He steps back one step, one hand on his rifle, ready to fire.

So I slowly push the deer in its direction with my snout and I sort out my tongue to try to lick it.

So I'm trying to imitate a dog that wants to play.

Drick suddenly became pale when he saw the 3 darts still full on the rocky path behind me.

"No sudden movements, weapons don't work against this beast," he told the microphone.

As I see that the situation is not going anywhere, I use the Bluetooth connection of my phone hidden in my bag and I call the police office at the number displayed to look for a witness because I don't know Drick's mobile phone number.

"Hello Police Department, can anyone hear you? "HAHAHAHAHA with my electronic voice. I have your inspector next to me in front of my beast. Tell him I have hostages in the camp in the area and I have something to show him he's looking for. And if he doesn't hurry now, I'll write to Winnie the Pooh with the blood of the campers HAHAHAHAHAH" Call closed.

Suddenly, a phone rings in Drick's vest staring at me. Then after an annoying look, he stops looking at me and looks at his men. He says:

"Let's leave the beast here, it's a big pet and it doesn't seem violent. We have the master near here and he takes hostages at the campsite. We have to go now."

I sit like a dog and move my tail innocently, watching the men rush towards the car and the helicopter hide a little further away.

The vet comes and looks: "What are you? A steroid crocodile? Pterodactyl " Pterodactyl

then he screams, "I stay here and look for the beast," the other one waving OK.

Then he comes up to me and places his hand in front of him as if it were a protection (what a joke, I can swallow it in less than a second).

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