The beginning of My end

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I hear the children crying.

I sob also

I just want to live peacefully

to roam in the sky

To eat with family and friend at the border of a lake

This will never happens.

I've tried all

Peaceful way

Christian way

and war way.

I've god like powers and I face god like powers

This is a nightmare without end.

Tania :"Don't be so down, You have us!"

me: "Yes, I am stupid, but what a doomed life!"

PREDATOR : Silent, as the 2 others minions / child.

Mum, your are our mum, Yes?

Me: "of course" and I welcome them under my wings.

"You have done the best you could!, I am not sorry nor angry. I am happy you are still alive and this is important."





"WHAT A LOVELY REUNION! I THINK I WILL CRY SEEING THIS!"says  GREY-MAN! with his usual bag and red tie in a blue tuxedo!.

MY Dear Darann, my little Dragon, my little "Big Trouble!" Ts ts tsk..

You seee, how to tell you, you are currently a source of problems.  WE'll never expected you go so far. to survie so far.  Yes, you have a thing or a trick to sort out desperate situations.

But we are civilized people no? I am civilized and  you are not barbaric despite you are a dragon. A normal dragon would have died in a flashy way but you are smarter and you have well played our little Chess game. 

Ah  I know you liked playing chess.  This is a good game, this is the game of life!


Taking a deep inspiration :

"So as civilized people we are always proposing a honorable way out!.

You see, we have decided the ruler of this place  of space, the solar system and galaxy will be in the hands of our new puppet.  He's a puppet who think he is free but you are smarter.  I know.. I know what you think.

SO Gorki has the Tetrahedron as a core and is a leviathan like you.  From You.  He had the intelligence to submit to us and being rebuilded as we want.  he is our pet now.

I am sure you will never accept to be pet!  you remind me of Dr Freeman in Black Mesa.  He is somewhere, always escaping. He could be a good mate for you! HAHAHA.

But you are strong and this is indeniable and You have now the power from 36000 years ago.  I'm sure you're recovering now your "COSMIC BALANCE" and are a threat for us.

And you know we are doomed from the start!

So, I order to spare the world a certain destruction.  I know you can destroy us, but you cannot be on the both side of the planet, so when you save USA, we'll destroy Russia and whe you'll go to russia, we'll kill USA.  So this is not what you want and so we don't want also.

I, the Dragon.  What to do now?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora