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Tremble, my preys !

This morning I am happy.  Free and having a several places  for backup. 

Now I feel Free

Now I feel the Dragon within and outside



And as the Sun Rise I place on top of my lair on a small mountain, more a big hill  and I start to sing.

Not using the Speaker who is glued and painted same color of my scales

I use my real voice of dragon.

I chirp , growl and squeak in pure dragon voice.  I like to do this

My beast inside is happy.  I am me, I am my true self.

My eyes and hud inform me the presence of  people at proximity.  I don't care.

I detect a van and a jeep.  There must be a forest guard equipped with a rifle and 4 other peoples.  They are installing cameras to observe me and the van is probably a command center for drone pilot.  I know well this type of equipment. 

So I fill my lunges with air and boast a big


To inform all creatures I am awake and the preys must start their prayers.

So I Jump in the air and FLAP FLAP FLAP

I fly around my lair to check up any intruders or prey around.

The air smell wood and pine tree and honey.  Mmmm

I will try to get some rack of honeycomb.  I was glutton of it in the past and now, let's try

SO I detect a big ball on a tree at few meters from ground.  I look at is and with my claw, i open the ball and the furious bees try to bite me but my scales are there.

Good appetite.  The honey is gliding in my throat and I heard a click, some tourist who was trekking in the zone.  There are plenty of wildlife to observe here and there are swamps.

There is a drone following me automatically, I can sense it's telemetry radar trying to follow me at a respectable distance without noticing.  How smart are they.

Grrr, don't look at the camera, don't look.

So back to the tourist, it seems a girl alone. Then I turn my head to her direction, around 50 meters and I slurp my cheeks full of honey and I go down, walking on four with my 17 meters of length.

She got afraid and turn back to run,

She was on a rock and she trip on  branch , gliding down the hill to arrive in a mud of swamp.

She has half her body taken by the ground and she slowly go down. 





I don't want to die

Now all is left is her head  and a hand




In a second I am there with my head a few centimeters of hers


With my long neck I was able to reach her and I delicately take her by the neck of her jacket using my teeth.

I, the Dragon.  What to do now?Where stories live. Discover now