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Now that I have powerful new powers, I can feel electromagnetic waves, cut them off and analyze them.

The possibilities are endless. I can now synchronize the GPS signal with my internal display. It seems to me that I am moving further and further away from my humanity. But is it evolution? If it'll keep me alive, everything's fine. I am not the infused science and if I die, will I reincarnate or disappear into the Nothing?

I prefer to stay on the side of the living.

I can also detect the signals and with my horns when I turn my head some signals are better and in combination with my wings, the signal is amplified as a parabolic antenna where the transmitter and receiver are in the horns. The pain in the horns during the show confirms my theory. Then I think about sending broadcasts like geo-localization with waves instead of ultrasounds, I feel like a radar. So I think like the combat flight simulator screen.


No, that's not true. He did it......

I have Ironman's HUD now.!

So I can target predictably with lightning and fire and adjust the power now. It can also lock several targets and know where to hit.

Okay, I can now see them on the map, the tracker signals and where we are and where we're going.

Okay! Now we're renegades and everyone I designate is approaching, I'm going to delete all the trackers.

So all the wolves and released animals stop in front of me. I take my sharpest claw and after finding the tracker, I make a small incision, more of a sting than a cut. and with the point, I take out the bug. I show everyone the insect to prove my point.

"Don't destroy them, we must be smarter than them. If we destroy, they'll rush in here and we'll be screwed. Toads and birds will be fed with the detector mixed with meat so they don't suspect us and hunt frogs." I said it. I said it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" laughed in their hearts.

So after rubbing the cuts with my saliva.

"Why are you spitting on our cut? My saliva is extremely flammable and kills all the small parasites that can give you black blood or infections.

Then all of a sudden, the 30 wolves follow me to the northeast. They are followed by 10 victims of other species, mainly foxes and lynxes. The herbivores wanted to stay like most predators, as the wolves moved away.


Berlin Zoo, observation centre for trackers:

All the trackers meet and stay close to the den.

Abnormal heart rate and temperature drop values.

Automatic sending of emails from the server


McGyvor shouting on the phone: "Is the net gun ready? yes? yes? yes? Okay and the AIR BALL GUN? Yes ? Great, we can move on to the next step. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you assure me it's not deadly? Okay, so that knocks out the prey with shock electricity like a tazer? Yes, the tazer needs needles stuck in the skin to work........ Yes, I understand, so the ball sticks like glue by pressure and releases the electric shock and measures the heart rate to limit the intensity. Yes, very well. Is this the last non-lethal military weapon? Well..........

And the cage is ready? We'll need a heavy lift. OH and it's a steerable helium, yes, it can lift tons.

We empty the old marina, so without water, the walls will be very high and the glass will be tempered. Yes, and the marina has a roof? A grid? Yeah, it's better that way. Perfect. Tomorrow is the hunt. Yes YES, as promised half of the money is already in your account, the rest when it is in the marina. In Berlin, of course.

ICH BIN EINE BERLINER hahahahahaha, see you Mr. Sarge"


Sergeant to X: "Yes, I understand, when we deliver it, we will be paid. If they keep it, it's another story. We will leave them a little bit so that they can study how to heal it and keep it alive and keep it alive so that it can reproduce. Yes Yes, I understand, so when there is no emergency, we will bring you security. I know it's a state secret. We will inform you if it is a potential weapon."


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