Chapter 28: Korean Glitter Boys

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Your POV:

Someone knocked on the door but you were still in your room. You knew who it was but you stayed in your bed. There should be another way. *sigh*.

"who are you?" you heard your brother speak and you jolted up. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT.

You ran out and went to the door. You saw BTS outside looking at your brother.

"Ahh you must be Daniel. Y/N's older brother." namjoon spoke. No namjoon shut up don't say anything. "we are
Y/N's friends."

"friends huh?!" you knew your brother was tense and annoyed. "like that juncook guy."

"it's jungko-kook." NO KOOKIE DON'T TALK.

"GUYS!!" you said in the most cheerful way "hey!!" you gave them a big smile. "oh so you met my brother Daniel." you looked at your brother and gave him a death glare. He understood that he has to be nice not like last time. "Daniel these are jungkook's brothers. Kim namjoon. Kim seokjin. Min yoongi. Jung hoseok. Park jimin. Kim taehyung. And again jeon jungkook." you pointed at each and everyone. "they are BTS."

"OHH those are the Korean glitter boys you and Irene like?!" shit Daniel you wanna die?

"gl-glitter boys?" yoongi asked annoyed.

"AHH why stay outside? Please come in." you didn't let the fight start.

They came in your house and sat on the couch. That's when Irene walked in wearing her pajamas they all went wide eyed when they noticed her and they turned their gazes. When she noticed them however she went flashing back into her room. I followed her knowing she would become a mess.

"hey" I said opening the door and closing it after I stepped in.

"omg omg omg." she started breathing heavily and Daniel came in as well.

"hey there it's OK!" he tried to calm her down.

"it's not OK. OK?"

"take a deep breath wear your clothes and come outside."

"I'm not going outside."

"well I am so bye." you went to the door "figure this out before leaving the room"

You went back to the living room and sat on the floor in front of BTS.

"so what did you want to talk about?" you began.

"we just came to vi-" namjoon was interrupted by jimin.

"you told us you would tell us everything if we took you out of the hospital."

"yes and I did."

"ok I still have a question."

"please go on." you gave him a smile.

"how are you going to fix all this?"

"all what?"

"all this mess. How are you going to make up with your parents?"

"well maybe I won't be able to."

"you can't just leave a very thing like this. You have to retrieve what you took away from yourself."

"what is that?"

"your parents."

"I didn't take that away from me. They ran far away and I just couldn't keep up."

"no Y/N you ran not them." she took a deep breath.

"I don't know yet. I am still thinking. I've been thinking for 7 years."

"who made up for your loss."

"well at first it was too unbearable and I used to do this." you raised your sleeves revealing scars. You then lowered your shirt revealing scars all over your neck and collar bone. "there are many more." you looked at them and gave them a big smile. You then looked directly at HOBI. "now you get why I have ARMY ROOM." you smiled even wider remembering when you and HOBI sat in the ARMY ROOM as you chatted before yoongi came to take you to the party.

"Y/N..." they were all shocked and they couldn't speak.

"don't feel sorry for me."


"if that's all you can leave. As you can see." you looked at the hallway leading to Irene's bedroom "we have an issue."

You all stood up and you were heading to the door when Irene and Daniel came out.

"I'm sorry." Daniel looked at BTS. "I thought you were like Y/N's ex."

When he said that your heart sank. You tried your best to smile but you couldn't. Tears built up in your eyes and you felt the urge to cry. You didn't want anyone to see you. So you made your way to your room as fast as possible. You locked the door behind you and sat on the ground. You placed your hands over your ears as tears began flowing down your face.

You stayed in that position ignoring all the surrounding sounds. Why him? Why now? Ugh why did that happen to us? What is wrong with me? He was kind, sweet, considerate. He was my friend. Why did that happen.


Why did I do that to him? Why did I hurt you Mark?

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