Chapter 13: YOU LOCKED HER OUT!!

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Yoongi's POV:

---before incident---

"DAMN IT. I couldn't see her face" I complained.

"yah what's up with her?" jimin asked as he entered with the rest.

"yoongi wanted to see her face so he removed her mask and she ran away."
RM explained.

"hyung did you see her face?" jungkook jumped up and down in excitement.

"no she was too fast." I told him so he pouted and they all laughed at his childish acts. I looked at RM "why were you late?"

"because you asked me to get you your phone from the photo shoot. You forgot it there."

"oh yeah" I extended my hand "can I have it please"



"I did not get it."


"i was late"

"aish you--ughh now I have to go and get it." it was obvious but I was hoping for someone to volunteer.

I arrived there and was about to open the door when I found it open. I looked inside. The door to the roof was open too. I went out and peeked. I found a girl laying on the ground counting the stars.

"hey you are not allowed to be here." she looked at me. Oh it is her. My eyes widen but I had a plan. "you again?! Are you okay?! It is really cold out here."

"I'm fine like Elsa says the cold never bothers me anyway"

"ugh another movie freak" I said disgusted.

"you got a problem with that." oh I am getting on her nerves. She looked away. I wanted to act sweet then hit her hard.


"hmm" she looked at me

"stop lying."

"w-what" Is she stupid or is she acting like one?

"i know you are freezing now and I know you don't wanna look mysterious so please tell me why you hide your face."

"No" she coldly stare at me.

"no?" i gave her the I-don't-take-a-no-for-an-answer face.

"I will not tell you. I don't have to."

"fine do whatever you want." i was furious. "you know what why don't you stay here until you decide to speak?" I stormed away and locked her out then I shouted from behind the door "tell me when you are ready to talk."

"FINE WITH ME!" i heard her scream.

It is 3:37 am and she hasn't talked yet..she hasn't asked for help. What is she up to?

I woke up at the sound of loud banging. So she finally decided to talk. She could not defeat the cold. So it does bother her. I chuckled. I opened the door and it was snowing inside. "so you finally decided to tal-" I looked at her and she seemed lifeless. I bent down and placed my hand on her forehead. "Y/N you are burning up!" I held her hand. "you are freezing"
I held her bridal style then she talked. She was using all her energy.

"wh-whatever ha-happens to me d-don't t-t-take me to the hos-hospital." she was trying her best to stay awake but she eventually lost.

I ran to the dorm and bumped my back several times before Jin opened the door.

"yah what took you so long?!" he looked at Y/N in my hand and his eyes widen "what happened?!"

"help now talk later"

"yeah right"
I entered the dorm and placed her on the couch.

"yah place her on your bed" Jin was screaming from the kitchen.

"but where will I sleep."

"just put her there" I went and placed her on my bed. After a few minutes Jin came and took her tempurature.

"we need to get her to a hospital."

"hyung we cannot."

"what?! Why?!"

"she told me whatever happens to her to never take her to the hospital."

"so we watch her die?"

"no I did not mean that. Is there any other solution?"

"yoongi I am not a doctor. Idk but we can't watch her die" I looked at her then bent down and whispered sorry before lifting her up again with the blanket.

"let's go"

"come on" Jin got the keys to the car while I took Y/N. I placed Y/N in the backseat with me and placed the blanket over her.

We took her to the emergency room and minutes later the rest came in. When the doctor went out of her room I ran in. I had to see Y/N first. I needed to apologize.

I entered the room and saw her sleep peacefully on the bed. I went towards her and squated beside her. I held her hand tight and looked at her.

"I have been told people hear you even if they are like this. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have locked you out. It was a stu-" I was interrupted.


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