Chapter 20: Okay Then Start

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Your POV:

"that's probably the boys" yoongi went to the door opening it and letting the boys in.

"HEY~" they all greeted you and you gave them a 90° bow them sat with them on the couch.

"how are you feeling?" Jin asked.

"better" you smiled to them "thanks for everything."

"did you take your medicine?" JHope asked.

"no... Not yet."

"wait I'll get them for you." he stood up.

"no" you held his wrist "sit down I will go." you stood up and let go of his wrist while he sat down.

You went to the kitchen and took your medicine. After that you went back to your couch.

"soooo... Y/N was just telling me her story can you start again." yoongi said as you sat down.

"I didn't tell you anything yet. I didn't even finish the first word." you giggled.

"OK then start."

"OK. Well I come from a really rich family. Like really really rich. We consisted of me the introvert, my sister Irene, my brother Daniel and my parents Ace and Harry. My dad was really successful and as time passed he made each one of us a bank account for college. As you know some people with high grades in all sciences have a hard time choosing their majors. And I just had so many options. My top 3 were architect, thoracic surgeon or a photographer and a producer. My mom wanted me to become an architect since my math grades were really high. A year passed until I finally decided to become a photographer and a producer. I was afraid to tell my mother so I told my sister. Then weeks later my brother knew. They both advised me to talk to my mom and tell her that I made my choice. I was a coward but I did as they told me to. The moment I told my mom she was not at all glad. She tried to convince me that architecture is better, but I just couldn't accept it. So she went the hard way. She took away my camera and hid it. And that's when it all started. As I said I was really interverted. I had no friends, no one knew me and I always kept myself in my room. I never came out. It was like as if I was grounding myself. I am also a nerd so I learned a couple of languages such as Italian, German, Korean, Japanese, and Arabic. Days passed and I came up with a plan. I talked to my siblings they agreed but Daniel was not quite into the idea of me running away. I emptied my bank account, and went out a lot. My mom noticed that so some days we would come back with shopping bags, groceries, and sometimes my sister would tell my mom that we went to an affair. Then my brother got us a ticket to come here. As we were here I bought a land and built this house. Then after my graduated I got another ticket and came here. And never went back. It's been 7 years and in a week or so I will see Irene and Daniel for the first time again." you smiled brightly after taking a deep breath.

"you should become a rapper." yoongi teased and you just laughed.

"you are smart and brave to do that you know. But is it worth it?" RM asked.

"it is and always will be." you answered still smiling.

"do you miss them?" taehyung asked sad.

"Irene and Daniel? Of course I do."

"no I meant your parents" you felt stabbed but you kept the smile.

"even tough my mom did that to me. She tried stopping me from following my dream when she is the one who says that she will never interfere with our future choices. Yeah I miss her."

"what about your father?"

"I rarely see him anyways. I don't know him because he is always busy. I don't think he asked about me once."

"do you miss him?"

"of course I do. What kind of person doesn't miss his or her  parents?" your smile disappeared and tears were threatened to fall but you didn't want to cry in front of them.

"do you think it is still worth it?" RM asked again.

"I don't know. But what if I choose to be an architect. What happens then?"

"you should've tried and see." Jin tried comforting you.

You stood up and excused yourself to your room. You told them you were tired and you wanted to sleep. You entered your room and closed the door. As soon as you did that you placed your hand on your mouth to stop any sound from escaping as tears stream down. You laid on the bed and took your phone out. You saw all the messages you sent to your parents that were seen but never replied to. With every message you saw more tears came down. You let out a tiny whimper but as soon as you did you immediately regretted it.


Remember when Daniel talked to Y/N. What did they talk about?

Well if you wanna know there is approximately 20 to 21 chapters probably more, idk, so that I will tell you.

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