Chapter 6: Yours, Bean Stalk

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Your POV:

You finished work and went straight home. You had to get some sleep because the next day there will be a lot of walking around.

You woke up early, made breakfast and a healthy smoothie before dressing up. You packed your food in your bag with your phone and a tiny notebook with your shopping list. You got your water bottle and wallet. Lastly before walking out of your house you grabbed your camera. You were hoping for some extra time for taking photos. You took your car keys and went out. You rarely use you car because everything is close to your house.

You went to the first shop. You could not find everything you needed but you expected that. You got 2 blue sweater with different shades. One was sky blue while the other was royal blue. You got 1 emerald green and 3 black sweaters plus a Grey trench coat. You loved all you got and you still had a bit more to go.

From the second shop you got 1 yellow, 1 orange, and 1 red sweater. All the sweaters you bought were pretty and long. You liked tall sweaters and hoodies.

The next shop was not as far as the first and second. You got from there a thick Grey hoodie that you liked and a denim jacket. You also got a Grey beanie and a huge scarf.

You went to the park and started taking photos of the surroundings to enjoy and calm yourself down. You were really stressed that you did not have enough money and time but you felt better. You sat on a bench and looked at the clock. It was 3:47 pm. Wow time moves quickly. So you ate your breakfast for lunch. You drank your smoothie then checked your social media before going back shopping.

This was your fourth shop and from there you bought a white and violet sweater. The violet sweater was so comfy that you did not want to take it off after you tried it.

You went to your last shop for shoes. You don't like boots but you had to get one. You saw a black timberland and you regretted that you never got to try it sooner. So this is why kookie likes it. You smiled to yourself. You paid and went back home.

You entered your house and placed your new clothes in your closet and packed your summer clothes in another. Then you went to your laptop after making some ramyeon and wearing your pajamas. You sat on your bed and found out you had a mail. You opened your mail and found a bunch of advertisements and a letter. The letter was from your brother. You smiled to yourself. You opened the mail and read it closely and slowly.

Dear Y/N,

     As I have told you million times before, I miss you. The house is always really silent that you can hear a pin fall even from the second floor.
     Sis I want you back. I need you so much. I cannot leave my job you know that. I will visit you with Irene. Irene is staying and I am not. Sis can't you come back and figure out this misunderstanding. Please I cannot live like this. Please I beg you. I need to see you more often not from the phone. Face to face. Please figure this out. You always were beside me and I will be here for you. They won't hurt you I promise. We are all going to go nuts without you we all miss you. Even dad does but I don't know if mom does. Now she never laughs nor smiles like she used to. She is always grumpy.

    When I come to Seoul I will hug you to death understood?

                                   Yours, Bean Stalk

You smiled when you read Bean stalk. You really missed that bean stalk and all the rest. Even if you did not want to admit it but you missed your mom most.

After a long while thinking you decided to call him. You dialed his number and put the phone to your ear. You waited for him to answer but you remembered it is 3 am back there. You were about to close when you heard his raspy sleeping voice.

"hey sis"

Irene is your bigger sister and she is a doctor. While Bean Stalk real name Daniel is your big brother and he is a lawyer. You call him Bean stalk cause he is really tall.

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