"It's not the only thing"

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Third person P.O.V :

They all got interrupted by Isaak' phone call..
Isaak : Hello ?
Assistant : It's 911 , How can I help you ?
Isaak : I'm calling because I want to accuse someone .

Assistant : ok , sir , What did that person do ?
Isaak : she killed 5 people , and..She made a friend of mine really depressed , my friend might commit suicide .

Assistant : ok , sir , tell me about you .
Isaak : my name is Isaak Presley , I'm 15 years old , and The person I'm talking about is my classmate at school , Angela Stevens , she killed my friend' parents , 2 classmates , a teacher , she said bad words to my friend , and now my friend wants to commit suicide .

Assistant : sir , What you're saying is really dangerous , Do you have evidence ?
Isaak : yeah , I do , like plenty of them .
Assistant : ok , Where are you , sir ?
Isaak : I'm calling from Moose Rump , in a summer camp called camp Kikiwaka .

Assistant : ok , sir , hold on , We'll try our best so we won't be late .
Isaak : ok , Thank you .
All of them looked up at the door to find Zuri and Tiffany and on their face was a 'very worried' look .

In another place :
The great lawn :

Parker was standing with his phone along with Griff , Griff was just thinking , and Parker was calling someone , Finally the person picked up .

Parker : finally , Hey Jacob , It's me Parker .
Jacob : Parker ??
Parker : Yes , I need to ask for a request .
Jacob : Ok , go on .
Parker : you were filming when Angela killed Mrs Simmons , Right ?

Jacob : yes , I was , but..
Parker : but what ?
Jacob : Angela threatened that she'll kill me so I deleted it .
Parker : damn , What am I gonna do now ?
Jacob : Parker , What's going on ?

Parker : Angela told Rosabella some awful words and Rosabella was planning to commit suicide .
Jacob : What ?
Parker : but Isaak called the police on her , and they're on their way to camp .

Jacob : Which camp ?
Parker : Camp Kikiwaka in Moose Rump , Maine .
Jacob : look , I saw someone who was filming without Angela knowing .
Parker : Who is it ?
Jacob : Carson Leuders .

Parker : ok , I'll try call him .
Jacob : ok , I'm on my way to Maine.
Parker : ok , see ya .
Jacob : see ya .

They hung up , and Parker started calling Carson , while he was , Zuri , Tiffany , Isaak , Matthew , Ravi , Xander and Jorge were standing behind him , all of them looking worried .

In another place :
The woods :

Rosabella was walking in the woods , crying harder than ever , she had a rope in her hand , she was glancing at every tree she pass by , then she stopped at one tree which was kind of high enough , and began to tie the rope on the nearest branch .

Rosabella : I'm sorry , everyone , but I have no place here .

Then she remembered Griff , how much he cried with her , how much he begged her not to go , he needs her , but it's too late for going back now , he'll be fine .

She grabbed a chair she brought earlier , and she stood on it , but the land wasn't smooth enough , so she fell on the ground , at the moment Griff saw her .

Griff : Stop , Rosabella .
Rosabella : What are you doing here ? Go away
Griff : No way , please don't do this to yourself .

He started to cry , she did the same , Griff ran to hug her as tight as he could , they both sobbed as Rosabella hugged him back .

Griff : ..please ,Rosabella..I'm begging you..Don't leave me alone..I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong and made you upset..But I need you..please Don't go..
Rosabella : ..It's too late for going back , Griff .

Griff : ..please..Don't do this to me..please..
Rosabella just sobbed and hugged him tighter :
Rosabella : I'm sorry..Griff..Don't worry..
Griff : say that you won't do anything to yourself .

Rosabella : ..Ok , Don't worry..I won't..
Griff : promise me !
Rosabella : I promise .
Griff : Thank you , sister .

Rosabella patted on him :
Rosabella : you're very welcome .
They let go and Rosabella looked at him in his beautiful brown eyes , Griff did the same (except that..you know..her eyes are blue..)

Rosabella just stared in his eyes , until it was very awkward for Griff , he blushed , and smiled , she chuckled , and they hugged again .

In another place :
The great lawn :

Parker was trying to call Asher Angel..

Flashback :

Parker started calling Carson , and he quietly listened to his phone ringing , after a minute someone picked up :

Carson : Hello , It's Carson , Who is this ?
Parker : Hey , Carson , It's me Parker , your classmate .
Carson : Oh , Hey , Parker .
Parker : How are you ?
Carson : I'm great , you ?
Parker : I'm..sorta of good..

Carson : What do you mean sorta ?
Parker : I need to ask you about something .
Carson : go on .
Parker : you were filming when Angela killed Mrs Simmons , Right ?

Carson : yeah ?
Parker : great , now send it to me , please .
Carson :ok , hold on a second .
Carson started scrolling down his phone , but then he stopped .

Carson : I think someone deleted it *yelling* Who is the hell touched my phone ?
Parker : *yelling back* Carson !
Carson : what ?
Parker : Did someone hack your phone ?

Carson : ..I don't know .
Parker : damn..What now ?
Carson : What's going on ?
Parker : Angela told Rosabella to go kill herself , Rosabella believed it , and We had enough , so Isaak called the police on her , and they're on their way to camp .

Carson : dude..hold on..Is Rosabella okay or not?
Parker looked up to see Rosabella walking beside Griff , and they looked perfectly fine .
Parker : ..yeah..she's great .
Carson : ok , great , now look , I think Asher Angel has the video .

Parker : he better , I won't spend my day calling the whole class for a video .
Carson : yeah , and I'm going to Moose Rump right now .
Parker : ok , see ya .
Carson : see ya .

After that they hung up .

End of Flashback :

Parker called Asher , after two times trying he picked up .

Parker : Asher ?
Asher : Hello ? Who is this ?
Parker : It's Parker , your classmate .
Asher : hey , Parker , are you okay ?
Parker : yeah , I'm great , I need to ask you something .

Asher : ok ?
Parker : you were filming when Angela killed Mrs Simmons, right ?
Asher : yeah .
Parker : please send the video to me .

Asher : ok , hold on .
Asher started scrolling down his phone same as Carson , and Jacob .
Asher : ..where is it ?...where is it ?..
Parker : don't tell me you don't have it .

Asher : ..hold on a second..
Parker : ok , I'm waiting .
After 2 stressful minutes , Parker was wishing Asher would find it , because he only wants Rosabella to be safe .

Asher : ..oh my god..
Parker : What is it ?
Asher : ..I found it..but It's not the only thing..


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