"I'm gonna be back soon "

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Season : 3
Plot : Rosabella and her friends will go through some situations , and a new kid is coming to Annie Wright School . What's his secret ? What will he do ? 

Third person P.O.V :

Rosabella and Parker headed to Mr Wilson's car , Rosabella was holding the trophy in her hand , with Mr Wilson and Miss Palmer behind them , Mr Wilson opened the car door , and all of them entered the car .

Miss Palmer : great job , students , you know how much the school will be happy after they know you won against 3 other schools ?
Rosabella : I know right ! I'm so happy .
Parker : me too .

Rosabella hugged Parker again , he hugged her back , Mr Wilson saw them in the front mirror.
Mr Wilson : *whispering* aww , That's cute .
Miss Palmer : yeah , so cute .

They let go and Mr Wilson drove , after an hour in the car , they were passing the highway , and about half the way through there , the car stopped by a explosion sound in the back of the car .

Mr Wilson : all of you , excuse me but you need to get out of the car , so I would examine it .
Miss Palmer : ok..
The four of them got out of the car , Mr Wilson opened the back of the car , and the others just stood there , not doing anything .

After a few minutes :
Mr Wilson : *in a high note* No , No , No , No !!
Miss Palmer : what's going on ?
Mr Wilson : the engine exploded !
Miss Palmer : well , fix it !
Mr Wilson : I can't , I have to go buy another one .

Parker : ok , what are we gonna do ?
Mr Wilson : you sit back in the car and don't come out of the car for any reason , Miss Palmer , please stay with them , and don't go anywhere , I'll be back soon..

The three entered the car , and Mr Wilson left , Miss Palmer closed the car windows :
Rosabella : where should I put the trophy ?
Parker : in your backpack maybe ?
Miss Palmer : yeah , in your bag so it won't get lost .

Rosabella opened her backpack , and stashed the trophy inside it , she let out a book and started reading .
After a while Parker did the same , while Miss Palmer started scrolling through her phone.

In another place :
Annie Wright school :

The high schoolers were sitting in their class , when Sister Marybeth walked in :
Marybeth : good afternoon , students .
Everyone : good afternoon , sister Marybeth .

Marybeth : are Mr Rooney and Miss Jones back yet ?
Mrs Reeves : No , they're not .
Marybeth : ok , I'll call Mr Wilson and ask him where are they .
Austin : sister Marybeth , aren't they suppose to be back now ?

Marybeth : yeah , they're suppose to , but don't worry , Mr Beckham , they'll be back soon .
Austin nodded , but he was still worried .
Marybeth : excuse me .
She left the class , then she let out her phone and started calling Mr Wilson , to her shock he didn't answer .

She entered the class again while she was filling with worry .
Marybeth : Mrs Reeves , may I talk to you for a second ?
Mrs Reeves : okay , Sister Marybeth .
Both of them got out of the class , leaving the others in silence and worry .

Marybeth : Mrs Reeves , Mr Wilson is not answering .
Mrs Reeves : What ? Sister Marybeth , call him again .
Marybeth : okay .
She dialled the number , while they both listened carefully , but they heard nothing but the phone ringing .

Reeves : we can't tell the students about this .
Marybeth : I know , you think something happened to them ?
Reeves : yes , but I'm hoping for the best right now .
Marybeth : yeah , let's hope .

But what they didn't know about , is Carson Lueders spying on them from behind the class door , he quickly sat down in his place .
Isaak : what did you hear ?
Carson : Mr Wilson is not answering his phone

Asher : what ? Why ?
Carson : they don't know .
Harper : man , this is making me fear going anywhere again .
Arianna : I know ! What if something happened to them ?

Matthew : you're scaring me , Ari .
Arianna : maybe , you have any idea how much I'm worried right now ?
Reggie : ok , Ari relax , Parker , Rosabella and the two teachers are going to be alright .

Val : I'm really hoping they're fine .
Then the bell rang , telling that the school day is over , all of the students got out of the class , on their way Matthew and Isaak saw Griff standing alone outside the school , they walked over to him .

Matthew : Griff , what's going on ?
Griff : is Rosabella back yet ?
Isaak : no..listen we know you're worried but don't , she'll be back soon .
Griff : I'm really hoping she's fine .

Matthew : don't worry , she has Parker with her , along with Mr Wilson and Miss Palmer .
Griff : ok , I'll try not to worry .
Isaak : ok then .

After a moment , Griff looked around to see Gabriel had arrived .
Griff : look , Gabriel is here , I have to go .
Isaak : okay , bye .
Matthew : Bye .
Griff : goodbye .

He walked away , the 2 friends saw him entering the car , and the car left .
Then the 2 of them left the school going back to their homes.

At 6 o'clock :
The Spokane-Tacoma highway :

Rosabella , Parker and Miss Palmer were sitting in the car , it was getting darker , and Mr Wilson hadn't came back yet , they all were worried .

Parker : Miss Palmer , It's been 3 hours and Mr Wilson hadn't came back yet .
Miss Palmer : I guess that's true , don't worry , students .
Rosabella : how shouldn't we worry ?

Miss Palmer : the last thing I wanna hear is you two freaking out , okay ? I'm going to look for Mr Wilson , close the doors , the windows , and DO NOT open for anyone , do not open the windows and the doors for any reason .

Rosabella : No , please don't go .
Miss Palmer : don't worry , Rosabella , I'll be fine , you just take care , and do not open the door and don't come out , okay ? I'm gonna be back soon .

Miss Palmer opened the door , she got out of the car , and closed the door again , Parker locked the door , closed the windows , and sat right next to Rosabella , she held her phone and texted Griff . 

Rosabella then stared at the screen , she was about to tear up , Parker saw her :Parker : Bella , are you okay ?She shook her head , then she hugged him tightly , he was shocked but hugged her back tight

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Rosabella then stared at the screen , she was about to tear up , Parker saw her :
Parker : Bella , are you okay ?
She shook her head , then she hugged him tightly , he was shocked but hugged her back tight .

Rosabella : are we gonna be fine ?...


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