" I'll lose Rosabella forever "

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Third person P.O.V :

There stood Ravi , he smiled at the scene , then he went back to Grizzly Cabin , he saw Jorge , Parker , Matthew and Isaak , most of them were so upset , then Xander came in .

Xander : Why are you guys that upset ?
Parker : Because Rosabella is gonna commit suicide .
Xander : what ? Why ?
Matthew : Because of What Angela tried to do last time .
Jorge : What ? But she can't , she's too beautiful to die .

Ravi : No , she won't , guys , I just saw Rosabella hugging Griff a moment ago , and Zuri told me that they talked , and she almost forgot about everything .

Isaak : Does Angela know about this ?
Parker : I have no clue , but When Angela' around , she might say something that can make Rosabella go and hang herself in the woods .

Matthew : She thinks if she did this , We might do the same..right after Griff , of course .
Jorge : but Why does she hate Rosabella so much ?
Isaak : she hates most of the school , and Nobody knows why , but They all know she hates Rosabella the most .

Matthew : you might not believe this , but once she killed a teacher in front of everyone because she gave her a bad grade .
Isaak : but Rosabella was absent because her parents died and she couldn't come to school .

Flashback :

It was a normal day , Rosabella was absent because her parents died , and It was history class , when the teacher was marking the test she just gave the students , It was unusually quiet .

Matthew : man , this is so boring .
Arianna : I know right .
Val : Too bad we're not allowed to use the phone in class .
Isaak : yeah , I don't think Carson agrees with you guys .

They turned their sight to Carson Lueders who was scrolling down his phone , he looked up and waved at them , and he pointed at Jason Maxwell , whom was also using his phone .

Parker : What if they get caught ?
Harper : since when do they get caught ?

Then the teacher starting calling the names of the students because she finished marking the papers .

Teacher : Ravenna Erickson ?
Ravenna : yes ?,
Teacher : you got a B+ , good for you
Ravenna : sure , ok

Teacher : Jason Maxwell ?
Jacob : yes ?
Teacher : you got a C+ , good job
Jacob : ok, whatever

Teacher : Madison Hu ?
Madison : yes , teacher ?
Teacher : you got a B- , great job
Madison : ok , Thanks

Teacher : Olivia Rodrigo?
Olivia : yeah ?
Teacher : You got a B+ , great job .
Olivia : Thanks .

Teacher : Gracie Hashack ?
Gracie : yes ,miss ?
Teacher : you got an A- , amazing job .
Gracie : Thank you , Miss .

Teacher : Jacob Sartorious ?
Jacob : yeah ?
Teacher : you got a B , good job .
Jacob : sure , whatever .

Teacher : Matthew Morris ?
Matthew : yes , miss ?
Teacher : you got an A- , good job
Matthew : ok , Thanks

Teacher : Parker Rooney ?
Parker : yes , teacher ?
Teacher : you got an A+ , amazing job
Parker : Kay , Thanks

Teacher : Angela Stevens ?
Angela : What ?
Teacher : I'm very disappointed in you , you got a D- , study hard next time .
Angela : No , I'm not accepting this , Change it , this is not my grade .
Teacher : I'm sorry , but I can't , this test was made to test your ability before a final test .

Angela : blah , blah , blah , I don't care , You're gonna change it or not ?
Teacher : I'm sorry , but No .
In a spare minute Angela let out a knife and stabbed the teacher in her throat , the teacher fell unconscious , then dead .

The students were shocked and scared , and at the same time they were furious .

Harper : You know what ? I'm out of here , You'll regret soon enough , Angela .
Arianna : I'm out , too .

The rest of the students got out glaring at Angela , all of them went home , but luckily for Angela , non of the nuns were at the schools , and most of the teachers , too , so she might not get in trouble .

After they all left , Angela vanished along with the dead body.

End of Flashback :

Xander : oh my god , this is...evil.
Ravi : I didn't think a student might kill a teacher for a bad grade , and I guess it happened .

Parker : Angela is possessed by a devil .
Matthew : yeah , but that doesn't explain any of this .
Ravi : maybe she gets through a lot but that doesn't mean she can kill people
Isaak : I know ! Good thing Rosabella wasn't there or she would've fainted.

Jorge : wait Why ?
Parker : because she has the Homophobia , she faints when she sees blood .

Jorge nodded , then Griff came in .
Griff : Hey , guys .
Everyone : Hey , Griff .
Matthew : Are you okay ?
Griff : yeah , Why not ?
Parker : because..you were..kind of..sad..

Griff : No , no , guys , relax, I solved it out with Rosabella .
Isaak : You did ? Why don't I like the sound of this ?
Griff : yeah I'm great , I'm losing the best person I've ever met , She's leaving me .

Parker : What ?
Griff : It took me 12 years to realize that I've an older sister , then she'll be gone , and because of what ? Because of a stupid person who kills , who hurts people , and she said pretty painful words to my sister , so yeah , my sister will commit suicide , and I'll lose the only family I have , I'll go back to juvie , and yeah , I think she wants me to forget about her .

Matthew : I'm really sorry , Griff .
Griff : No , Don't be , in every life there's that stupid jerk person who wants people to die , and in my life , It's Angela Stevens.

In that moment Angela Stevens came in..
Angela : excuse me , What did you just say ?
Matthew : *yelling* get out .
Angela : How rude , Matthew , I thought you at least like me since we've been in the same school for 10 years .

Matthew : me ? Like you ? Do I look like a jerk to you ? Because You're a jerk on your own , sugar , you don't need another jerk to complete you .
Angela : you'll regret it , Morris , trust me .
Matthew : I'm already regretting this conversation , and now if you excuse me , I'm going for a walk , with Griff with me .

He took Griff' hand , and he was going to pass Angela , but She pushed both of them , which caused them to step back .
Angela : *shouting* sit down , I'm not finished yet .

Parker : *screaming back* No ,We're not listening , All you do is hurting and killing people , and thanks to you , I'm losing my best friend , you killed 3 people and you didn't think twice about whether it will hurt their loving one or not .

Isaak : You know what ? I can get you to jail right now , We're already celebrities so why not , Trust me It will go viral , and forget about your reputation , because in school you're nothing , and they'll hate you because they all love Rosabella .

Matthew : so choose now : You go apologize to Rosabella and change her mind , or we can call the police right now to arrest you , and trust me we have evidence .

Angela : ...Nah , I don't care..Call them
Parker : yeah , ok , call the police , Isaak , I have to go make a call .

Isaak nodded while Parker took Griff' hand , and he got out of the cabin .

Ravi : just apologize , Angela , you don't want to end up in jail for 25 years .
Angela : No , I won't apologize , and appear weak in front of sweet Rosabella .
Jorge : but this might change you forever .

He got distracted by Isaak' call on his mobile phone .


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