"are you serious right now ?"

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Third person P.O.V :

After they finished talking , the bell rang , and all of them went to class .

It was history class , Miss Palmer entered the class , the students stood up :
Students : Good morning , Miss Palmer .
Miss Palmer : Good morning , students , how are you all ?

Students : We're fine .
Miss Palmer : sit down , and now everyone tell me what did you do in summer , starting with...Miss Jones .

Rosabella : well..I went to summer camp .
Miss Palmer : ooh , interesting , was it okay ?
Rosabella : of course , I had my friends with me miss Palmer : ok , then .

In another place :
6B class :

Griff was sitting next to Owen , when the teacher , Mrs Davis , entered the class .
Mrs Davis : good morning , class .
Class : good morning , Mrs Davis .
Mrs Davis : ..I see we have a new student .

Griff was standing like there's no one talking to him , Owen hit him in the arm .
Owen : Griff , that's you .
Griff : ..oh..
Mrs Davis : please come here and tell us about yourself .
Griff : ..ok ?

He walked to the front of the class , and stood shyly .
Griff : Hey , I'm Griff Jones .
Everyone started whispering then someone yelled "he's lying , he can't be Griff Jones"
Griff : No , I'm Griff Jones and I'm not lying , My sister is Rosabella Jones , I was raised in..

He stopped and looked in the ground , he didn't know what to say .
Griff : I'm sorry , I think that's it .
Mrs Davis : ok , go sit down..and for Mr Lawson , detention for an hour .

Ezekiel : really Mrs Davis ? It's literally the first day of school , and It's the first lesson.
Mrs Davis : yes , Mr Lawson , you should give everyone a chance , and you've just met him , you can't tell if he's lying .

Ezekiel : fine , Let's get Rosabella Jones here , she won't lie , will she ?
Griff : fine then , I'll go get her .
Mrs Davis : stay right where you are ...you *pointing at a student* go get Rosabella Jones from 10 / A class .

The student left , and Griff sat in his place .
After a while the student came back with Rosabella , Rosabella stood in the class confused Griff : Hey , sister .
Rosabella : hey , brother , I missed you .

She hugged him while the whole class looked at Ezekiel .
Mrs Davis : so That's really Griff Jones ?
Rosabella : of course .
Mrs Davis : you..*pointing at Ezekiel* detention for 2 hours .
Ezekiel : are you serious right now ?

Rosabella : ok , I should go now , bye , Griff .
Griff : Bye !
Rosabella left the class , when she went back to her class , she noticed a new student , he had blonde hair , blue eyes , and he looked a lot like her .

Griff : Bye !Rosabella left the class , when she went back to her class , she noticed a new student , he had blonde hair , blue eyes , and he looked a lot like her

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she also noticed him looking at her in a lovable way , he realized it and looked back to his book , Rosabella smiled and sat down in her place beside Parker .
Parker : so what was this all about ?
Rosabella : ..I have no idea..I didn't ask them .

Parker chuckled and she did the same .
Rosabella : I missed you , Parker .
Parker : awww , I missed you , too .
They hugged each other , and they let go when Miss Palmer walked in again after she finished her call from Sister Marybeth .

Miss Palmer : Ok , students , Did you finish those history questions ?
Everyone : yes , Miss Palmer .
Miss Palmer : ok , well..
She got interrupted by Mr Wilson going into the class .

Mr Wilson : good morning , students and god morning , Miss Palmer .
Miss Palmer : good morning , Mr Wilson ,You're here because of the competition ?
Mr Wilson : yeah , that's what I'm here for .

Palmer nodded , he paused for a while :
Mr Wilson : ok , I already know about the science competition , because Sister Marybeth told me , she also told me that there are only two students who signed up , please the students who signed up , raise your hand .

Rosabella and Parker raised their hand , Mr Wilson nodded .
Mr Wilson : very well , but I wanna know why there are only two students signing up for this competition .

No one moved or talked , Mr Wilson just stood there , not saying anything for a little moment
Mr Wilson : all of you know that it will be such a shame there are only two students signing up for the competition from Annie Wright , against 3 other schools .

He looked at the students again , only to see them speechless , because most of them are not that interested in science .
Mr Wilson : anyway , if there's anyone who would like to sign up , please write your name on the chart on corridor 2 .

The students nodded .
Mr Wilson : and for the students who are already signed up , please go talk to sister Marybeth after this period is over .
He nodded to Miss Palmer , then he left the class .

Miss Palmer : ok , Let's get back to our lesson .

After history class is over :

Rosabella and Parker headed to Sister Marybeth' office , they knocked the door as soon as they reached there .
Sister Marybeth : come in please .
Both of them entered the office .

Sister Marybeth : oh , are you the ones who signed up for the competition .
They nodded .
Sister Marybeth : I expected you two , come sit down .
They walked over to the two seats in front of sister Marybeth , and sat down .

Sister Marybeth : so , I know the rest of the students didn't sign up because they don't feel safe , but I assure you , you two are gonna be alright , you will have Mr Wilson and Miss Palmer with you , and since only the two of you are signing up , you'll be going in Mr Wilson' car .

She paused for a moment .
Sister Marybeth : but that will change if someone else signed up , and you have to take a science book with you , please take the school textbook , and take everything you need with you , food , water , and take your phones with you if you want , because it's gonna be a very long way as you know .

They nodded .
Rosabella : sister Marybeth , when are we gonna be back ?
Sister Marybeth : well , it depends , maybe you'll be back before school ends .
Rosabella : ok .
Sister Marybeth : ok , you may go .

Both of them stood up and walked out of the office .


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