"Just give up Prince and let us go with you. We are comrades afterall. No one will left behind." Nina said.

Prince Ryuzenheim was left dumbstruck and fall on his knees. " I guess, this is my fate. Protecting you all is kinda a heavy duty to me." Prince Ryuzenheim sat on the ground with leg crossed.

"You are all stupid and childish. You don't know reality. I was the same as you guys back then, being cocky and boastful. I don't want history to repeat itself because I don't want you all to die."

"What history?" Nina, Nulier and Kae asked.

"Nothing. Sigh. What I should I do to all of you. Now! Don't ever leave my side and stay alert at all times! Understood?!"

"Yes!" They answered.

Then Price Ryuzenheim explained everything what he was thinking about that fake holy grail.

"We are all in dead end afterall. Sigh" Nulier crossed her arms while examining the holy grail features.

"No.. I think this is the first step." Nina commented.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not a dead end. Do you not realize? If its a fraud maybe we can turn it upside down. We can free them finally!"

"Are you out of your mind Nina?" Kae ask boldly.

"Okay! .. here is the deal. Luckily, it wasn't a holy grail. We can make things right. Question. Who has the power to do things like magic?"

"Some magicians and humans like us?"

"Yes. Any other else?"


"Yes. think more."


"Exactly! You see, magicians or any other humans can use magic on individuals. But whole citizens of Olivian Kingdom are involved in this mess. So its not a magicians that can do such a thing like this. Do you get it now?"

Prince Ryuzenheim, Nulier and Kae are all amaze on what Nina thinks. She just make them realize and now they have a solution on their problem.

"You are so brilliant! So what do we do next?"

"Okay.. For now lets go back to the Kingdom and research on demons that have a kind of magic that makes people invisible."

"Okay. Sounds like a plan."

They are about to step outside of the cave wherein an instant the whole surroundings became pitch black even though the sun is still rising.

"Hey!!! What's going on here!!"

"Nina! Nulier! Kae! Fou lo! Assemble! Formation A!" Prince Ryuzenheim yelled.


They immediately followed what the Prince said.

Chill rundown their spine as they here an evil voice that is laughing at the background.

"HaHaHaHaHa At last! Humans! Finally! My body will be complete! Hahahahahahaha!" 😈😈

Coldness spreads out into thin air that makes all of them chill like crazy. Dark smoke that smells like a rotten corpse are all they can smell. Nausea and feeling of suffocation are all they are thinking right now.

Kae almost vomit but she endure it. Nina and Nulier can't stand the smell and they through off. Prince Ryuzenheim panic like crazy because this is what he is most afraid of.

"Everyone! Stay alert! Enemy is in front of us!" Kae shout with courage even though she herself are feeling afraid. She can't back down to her words of being strong. She should stay calm and collected to face this enemy of them.

"Ugh!" Prince Ryuzenheim exclaimed.

"Prince!" exclaimed by the three girls.

They hear Prince Ryyzenheim shriek from pain that its like he has been stab and it was quiet deep based on what they hear.

"Wh..at..." Prince Ryuzenheim tried to touch where the painful area is. He was stab at his chest near to his heart. He felt sticky and thick liquid coming out from his chest.

"Bloo...d!" Prince Ryuzenheim coughed a lot of blood that makes the three girls scream out loud of his name.


A loud thud can heard next. Prince Ryuzenheim lost consciousness and fall down on the ground due to loss of massive blood.

"Prince Ryuzenheim!"

"Woof! Ryu!"

Author's Note:

You guys are all amazing. Thank you for supporting until now my work. ❤❤❤

I was kinda late publishing this chapter cause me and my twin got into a fight that I almost lost a motivation in continuing it. 😢😢😢

But now, we are fine and I hope it won't happen again. 👼👼👼

Thank you everyone! 😘😘😘😘Ciao~ for now

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