Chapter 42

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Mr. Wijitan POV (Pring's father)

I can't believe this. I never could have dreamt that this would happen to me. I'm powerful and wealthy but how did everything come to this. In just a few days since my meeting with Mr. Panitchayasawad and Mr. Dechapayna where they rejected my request for funding and they both bluntly told me to stop this stupid arranged marriage thing, all my funding options have turned me down. Even the foreign investors that shouldn't be influenced by those two have turned me down. Then I see today that my stock prices are plummeting rapidly. If this keeps up, my stock won't be worth anything. How did I get here?

I glance back at my computer monitor and I cringe at the current price of my stock. If it keeps going, I don't know what I'll do. Will this one decision about an arranged marriage with my daughter really going to put my company and my family in jeopardy? It can't. It shouldn't.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Oh, I hope this is something good. I need some good news. "Come in."

My wife quickly opens the door and frantically dashes to my desk. "Why are we being removed from the social events? I was even removed from the committee on several other events that are happening over the next couple of months. What is going on?"

As I pull my eyes away from the depressing stock prices, I'm greeted by an angry and upset woman. I really don't know how I'm going to fix this. Well, I think I know because my friend had told me to do as I've been told, but I don't want to give up my daughter's happiness. However, at what cost will her happiness be? I'm starting to get a very good picture of what that may be, and I can confidently say that I don't think I can pay that kind of price.

I sigh and give my wife a look of 'do I really have to tell you'. Without saying anything, I quickly understand her demands as she huffs and puts one hand on her hips. Well, if this doesn't scream 'you better tell me now', I don't know what would.

I slowly take a deep breath and I begin to explain. "Honey, please done give me that look. I didn't do this on purpose, but it just ended up this way." I slowly lean back in my chair and I nervously run my hand through my hair. I know that she isn't going to like what I'm going to tell her, so I might as well get this over with as soon as possible. "Honey, you remember what our baby as been wanting for the last year?"

My wife raises one eyebrow and snorts, "Yes. She wants to force some innocent boy into marrying her because she only wants him. Why does that have anything to do with this? Wait! You haven't been trying to trap that poor boy into a marriage, have you?"

I gulp hard and then reply. "Well, sort of. The boy's father owns a hospital and he is willing to do an arranged marriage between our children in exchange for me being on the board of hospital and us giving his hospital a large donation."

Before I could continue, my wife slams her hands down hard onto my desk and she shots daggers at me with her eyes, as she screams, "YOU WHAT!?!?!"

I throw myself completely back against my chair to get as far away from her as possible. She isn't a nice lady when she is mad. Ignoring her question, I slowly continued, "You remember those meetings that I had a few days ago with some potential investors for my new projects. Well, they weren't just any kind of investors. They actually were the top two most powerful men in Thailand, Mr. Panitchayasawad and Mr. Dechapayna. I couldn't figure out how they knew but both men knew about the arranged marriage that I was working on with Mr. Kongthanin and they both refused to invest in my projects as long as I was pushing for the arranged marriage."

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