Chapter 39 Shiko and Cupid

Start from the beginning


On a thrown of darkness the man who crowned himself king of nightmares sat. His smirk faltered, but only for a second. "Yami, the nightmare of Terror, has fallen"


No One's POV~

Gajeel couldn't believe he had probably the worst enemy to fight. She was easily super annoying. "I am Cupid! I will give you a beautiful death to make up for your disgusting features! Like what even is that hair!" Gajeel was easily annoyed and quickly did his signature 'Iron Dragon Club' while she was distracted. But right before it hit her she snapped her fingers and a beautiful vine grew at her feet. It easily caught the attack and stopped it head on. "That is expected for someone like you, as you seem to have no manners!" She says in a snobby voice, tilting her nose up at Gajeel. "No need for manners or talk in battle snob." Gajeel says as he focuses on any pulses of magic aeound him. But all he feels is the battles going on around him. "Snob? I prefer the word beautiful!" She says stupidly. "Less talking more fighting!" Gajeel says, now getting impatient with this "comedic gag". He quickly tries hitting her with another Iron Dragon Club but she blocks this attack again. This time the vines grab hold of Gajeel's club tightly and pulls him toward her. "Why must you be so hideous? How about I make you beautiful once again~!" Cupid giggles at the thought of turning someone "beautiful". Man this chick is crazy is all Gajeel thinks.


Natsu's POV~
When the idea hit me I couldn't believe I had not thought of it sooner. Luce was a prisoner, so she would be somewhere no one sane of mind would go. To their leader! No one would dare find the leader of a dark guild-cult thing. So that leads me to my new challenge. Where in the hell would their leader be?!?!?!? I had checked this place almost top to bottom. Now I run through dimly lit walls, only illuminated by torches. Which those could come in handy later if I just so happen to be hungry or low of energy while fighting this creep. I check every door I can find, even checking for traps or secret hallways/doors. But those were all hard to come by, and what doors I did find were filled with stupid guards. I beat them easily, because none really had magic. Only simple weapons and those staffs that shoot magic energy at you. I questioned every single one but they wouldn't talk, I have to say... They may be the enemy but they are loyal to whoever is running this show.
But ever since I started running down this hallway I knew.... Someone- or something was watching me.


No One's POV~
Back to Gray, he was not in any better of a position, if anything worst.
Shiko had hit him on his arms, which he attempted to block with his arms, so much and with such force that he could not feel them. Blood seeped out from the cuts on them. Which Shiko's robotic arm punched his arms bit of the metal would stab into him. It was deep enough to send a bit of blood out. Gray just smirked and panted foolishly, "Is all you got?" This doesn't seem to have the affect he wanted.... She didn't get angry as Gray thought she would. Her eyes showed slight annoyance but her smirk was smug. She knew that Gray was panting from just a few punches. Gray knew that he needed to hurry and finish this thing before Shiko does what she said. But he knows he won't go down without a fight, he does have a baby to see and a wife to go home to after all.


"Iron Dragon Roar!" Gajeel boomed out as metal and spikes flew out of his mouth and toward his target. Cupid had been easily stopping his punches and Physical attacks but now it was time to show her more magic attacks. This attack finally hit her, but just barely. She lifted her arm in a shielding motion, this made a huge vine erupt from the ground and took the most damage. But the attack soon cut it all up and hit her, though not at full power. So Gajeel learned that, though her vines are tough, they can break and be torn. He smirked at finding this loophole.
"Argh! You mutt! How dare you hit a woman!!!!!!" Cupid seethed, her anger steamung off her. She quickly moved here hand in front of her, making roots and vines come up from the ground and lock around Gajeel. He smirked and quickly made his arms make the restraints nothing but shreds. Cupid was shocked by this but never let her attacks falter. For someone who talked a lot she seemed to be serious when it came to battle. Gajeel never let up the attacks, making them destroy anything she threw at him. He was relentless, and soon Cupid got sloppy. Her attack trying to keep up with Gajeel's but even though he was older than her he was faster. He only stopped when she was on the ground, covered in bruises and bleeding. Gajeel couldn't help that pang of guilt, this girl- who had all the jewels she had work torn off, her make up smeared, and her hair cut to almost a bob cut. This was a girl who looked only about 16, maybe a little older. This was not how a Fairy Tail member fights. "Look, kid, I don't think you understand what your doing. Go home, or else I'll make ya." Gajeel said, trying not to pity the young girl. If it was the ild him then he would beat her even more, till she could barely breath. But for the years he has been at Fairy Tail, he has learned a few things. One of them being Mercy. "I don't need your pity, I will not listen to scum that does not understand our way." Cupid answered back in a low voice just before thorns flew out of the ground and cut Gajeel. "YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND! OUR MASTER HAS TAKEN US IN BEAUTY OF HIS HEART!" Cupid raged, her anger making millions of thorns rise and attack Gajeel. His arm quickly became his signature sword and cut almost everything that was flown at him. Some of the thorns did get through though, cutting Gajeel deep. Eveb through the pain and blood he kept fighting, because he knew how this girl felt. She had been manipulated into doing someone else's bidding, when she no older than a teenager. Soon the attacks she threw at him brought him to his knees, panting from trying to keep up with her speed. "I am Cupid, proud member of Serpents Tongue, we are serpents with venom filled mouths." That ine line made Gajeel think back how he said so many times that he was oh so proud to be in Phantom Lord.... "Gihi, I was just like you kid. Following a master blindly while telling the whole world that you are proud to be a member. You might mean it now but soon you'll realize that you aren't, and by then it will me too late." Gajeel said, looking up to her with his dark red eyes. Cupid gasped at his words, stumbling back and away from him.. What a monster... Gajeel's skin became iron scales that he was once so famous for. He had to beat some sense into this kid, just like Natsu did to him. He flew at her with uncalculated speed, Cupid was so shocked didn't have time to dodge. Gajeel uppercut her before quickly kicking her in the side. Soon Cupid came to her senses and whipped him back, putting some space between them. But Gajeel simply smirked and opened his mouth, yelling "IRON DRAGON ROAR!" The attack hit her, it coming on so fast while Gajeel looked so defeated. Millions of little iron blades hit her right arm. She bit her lip to the point that it was bleeding, not wanting Gajeel feel smug about having her be in pain- though he didn't exactly feel good about doing so.... Cupid tried to get back into position for an attack but she simply crumbled to the gound in pain. Tears ran down her face, and her body shook. "Kid just give up, admit defeat..." Gajeel said, his heart squeezing in guilt from the display. "I don't need pity! I will fight to my last breath for my Master!" Her voice was one of pure desperation..... "What about your family? You should have had a family one time or another, what would they think if they saw you now..." Gajeel said, knowing Metalicana would be disappointed in him for what he had done in the past. "That none of your buisness!" Cupid retorted with angrily. "Look if your gonna be difficult then I'll just have to knock some sense into ya." Gajeel says through clenched teeth. Cupid conjured what little power she had left and focused it into the ground. "You shouldn't think so lowly..." Cupid muttered as an earthquake rumbled through the ground. "I am Cupid, your worst nightmare..." She said just as a flower irrupted from the ground. It was a huge, purple flower that swallowed up Gajeel...

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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