Chapter 25 His Nightmare

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Rose's POV~
I try again and again to wake my brother up. He seems almost dead...
His skin has grown pale, not like the youthful glow he had only day's ago. I know what his nightmare is, he
had it everyday after we left that horrible place we called home. He was treated like a king, because he was the heir to a bandit cheif. But I was forced to labor, forced to use my magic to heal people who beat me... Who hurt me... Who abused me mentally... Physically... And- other ways... I remember when they brought forward a man who was there to "save" us from our father. He told them everything. And we were punished, I was torchered and my poor brother watched.. After they saved us, Hunter had nightmares. Soon though they stopped because I told him I was healing my scars, when in actuality I didn't heal them. But now- he suffering... The nightmare of our past. My brother and I, are the twins and children of a bandit cheif and his bride.

Our mother was kind, she had the same magic as us. But she was exiled for it, while I was forced to use mine, and Hunter hid his. That is why he was the favorite. But when Hunter found out about what was happening to me, he went to the local village and their guild for help. The guild sent only 5 people, 4 died and 1 told of us.
Be was let go, but was shamed when we told his guild later of what happened. We were torchered, everyday for almost a week, before Lilly, Ember and Veronica- Lucy saved us. Hunter, obviously, fell for Lilly, considering he never met a girl around our age. I grew to respect them all, after I found out about Lilly's past, then Ember's, and finally Lucy's. Now I see why Lucy always was there for us all, why she was so close to Lilly and Hunter. Because they all lost father's. I was always alone, but I had my brother, Ember, Lilly, and Ver- Lucy... Now Hunter is in pain... Again... Because I wasn't there... I get back to healing him, this time with less thought than before.
Hunter needs to wake up,
I need him. He is my best friend.
"Please wake up...." I whisper before I break down into tears. Cold water pours from my eyes, covering my eye bags and my face. Please... Please wake up- please Brother....

I know that this is REALLY short, but considering the last few chapters have been so long I wanted to write a small chapter on how Rose is doing. I hope got all have a wonderful day or night wherever you are in the world! Bye my little Demon's!

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