Chapter 38 Yami and Hikari

Start from the beginning


Thorn sat there, tied to a chair that had been brought from the dining room, bloody and beaten. He had tried to fight off the monster but it hadn't been affected by his attacks. When he cut Yami all it did was heal itself with the shadows. Now Rose's bed had been turned into a "operation" bed. It was lifted by Yami's shadows to give Thorn a clear view of his sister. Rose was being held down by her wrists, the shadows were wrapped around her wrists and ankles. The shadows were piercing Rose's skin, like knives cutting through her. Yami circles the room while watching the terrified teens. It seemed to be deciding what to do first. "What should I do first~" Yami contemplated aloud, "How about helping the girl out of those hideous rags!" It says eerily. Before Thorn could even blink the shadows came up and started tearing the nun-like clothes from Rose. She kept quiet but was obviously hating this. The shadows sometimes ripped her clothing a little too much that it gott her skin. Finally, when Rose's clothes were now just cloth clinging to her shoulders and luckily same of ot draped to cover some of her skin. But when Yami was done and the shadows went back to their home, everyone froze. Rose hung her head in shame as her brother and a monster saw the millions of scars on her. The scars were so large in number that there was no clear patch of skin, the only place void of the scars were her face. Thorn felt his heart stop and his stomach drop at the soght of these scars.... It was a reminder of the time before Raven's Eye. "R- Rose...." Thorn just couldn't believe whar he was seeing.... She- She lied- "Oh so someone already has played with you~? That's no fun! I bet you love being tortured!" Yami yells angrily, apparently hating when someone already has scars on them. "Leave her alone! She didn't do anythong wrong!" Thorn yelled at the monster as it prepared to attack Rose. "SHUT UP!" It thundered back as whips of black shadow started to whip and slash at Rose. All the while Thorn was trying harder than ever to escape. Rose didn't make a sound through all of the pain she was receiving, she was only making small squeaks and whimpers. Finally Thorn got the knot on the rope loosened. He jumped up and lunged at the monster. He summoned a sword and attacked her straight on. But the monster didn't scream or cry in agony, it simply looked behind and glared at Thorn. "Didn't I warn you~ I said to SHUT UP!!!" Yami says in a shrill demonized voice. The monster turned and attacked Thorn, having the shadows become weapons that would plunge into Thorn.... Until they heard a voice say, "Leave him alone, I am your toy.. Not him." Rose reminded, not wanting to have he little brother be in pain. "No!!! Rosie!!! No!!! NO!" And with that he watched as his sister was beaten and torchured...


Romeo dodged right in time for a rock to be landed eight where he was standing. Wendy had been trying to help but she was now being attacked by an onslaught of pebbles. "Ow!" Wendy whined as a pebble hit her back but then suddenly they started hitting her head, "That's it!" She jumped into position and stilled the wind around her, "O swift winds that dashes through the heavens! Vernier!"
And just like that Romeo felt his bidy become as light as a feather and dodged the rocks easily now. Just as the zombie man was about to throw one right at Wendy, who was focussing on keeping the spell going strong, Romeo practically flew in and socked him right in the jaw. "I'm your opponent!" Romeo called put as the man stumbled back. His thin hair covering half his face as he looked up at Romeo. Those dead, lifeless, green eyes stared at him blankly. For a second Romeo thought the man would speak but he didn't, all he did was close his eyes and smile a sick and twisted smile. Like he had a dark secret and no one else would ever know it. Romeo gulped at this but stood strong as his body still glowed a red mixed with purple light that danced along his body just like his flames. This was his essence, his power, this showed that Wendy's magic was going strong. And as long as Wendy would stand Romeo would be there with her.


"Bud! You rest here, I know your tired from flying so fast.." Natsu said before laying Happy in a bed of carefully hidden leaves. All he got in response was a simple nod the head and some snores. Natsu chuckled before running into the fort that was where his Luce was trapped....

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