Ruling With An Iron Leg

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"This year's Pokemon League competition is wrapping up as we have today's battle ready to take place!" the announcer's voice echoed through the stadium. "We have two of the top four Pokemon Trainers in this competition, Robin and Arnold, ready to face off in a full six-on-six battle! The winner of this match will make it to the top two rankings and battle tomorrow afternoon for the title of the winner of the Kanto Pokemon League!"

The crowd cheered, deafening me.

June, Mrs. Butters, Mr. Butters, and I clapped and shouted support for Robin in the crowded stands as well.

Robin stood facing Arnold, his face clearly nervous, his hands clenched into strong fists, his arms shaking noticeably at his sides. He stood in a white button up shirt, fitting gray jeans, and black shoes.

Arnold stared back at him with a much calmer look, a slight smile on his face, wearing blue jeans and white sneakers, his white T-shirt behind his zipped up, baby blue jacket.

"He looks so nervous," Mrs. Butters said with worry, looking at her boy.

"COME ON, ROBIN! YOU'VE GOT THIS ONE!" Mr. Butters' voice boomed out.

Robin flinched at the sudden noise, but didn't turn around.

"Does he look familiar?" I asked June.

June had her eyes focused on the battlefield, staring intently at Arnold, but she didn't answer me.

The referee raised the red flag to Robin and the green flag to Arnold. "Begin!"

"Destiny! Let's take this one home! Start this off right!" Robin threw out his first Poke Ball.

I couldn't see the ball clearly from my seat.

"Blissey! Blissey!" a Blissey cried out.

"Donphan, let's go!" Arnold grunted, sending out his Pokemon with a strong toss of the Poke Ball.

Donphan landed once out of its Poke Ball and tightened its eyes at Blissey.

"And it's Blissey versus Donphan!" the announcer began. "The powerhouse that is Donphan is going to be a struggle for Blissey to overcome, but with the variety of moves a Blissey can learn, this may be more of an obstacle for Donphan to get over!"

"His Chansey evolved!" I pointed my Pokedex at Robin's new Pokemon.

Blissey. The Happiness Pokemon. Blissey is the evolved form of Chansey. Their fluffy fur allows them to feel sadness from others. Once this feeling is sensed, they will rush to the source, no matter how far it is, and share their egg, which makes one smile instantly.

Donphan. The Armor Pokemon and Phanpy's evolved form. Donphan travel in herds, the leader having the longest tusks. Their rolling tackles are strong enough to knock down a house.

"Destiny, let's use Sunny Day!" Robin started.

"Blissey!" Destiny raised her arms into the air, the tips glowing, and two bright beams of light soared from the tips and hit the sky above.

The calm, cool day, wind blowing pleasantly, was interrupted by a sudden, noticeable change in temperature as the sun began to get blindingly bright and it became much hotter.

I immediately removed my jacket and laid it down on my lap.

Mr. and Mrs. Butters removed their jackets as well, Mrs. Butters fanning herself.

Many in the crowd began to mutter uncomfortably and remove their extra clothing.

June continued to squint through the sun at Arnold in her red tank top.

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