Who's That Pokemon?

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My Pokemon were with Nurse Joy and Chansey while I sat in the lobby of the Pokemon Center, dwelling on my battle with Robin. I felt so gloom, I didn't even feel overjoyed seeing a Nurse Joy after so long. I simply handed her my Pokemon and took a seat.

Nurse Joy had happily greeted me, just barely remembering me from the last time I was here, mentioning she remembers my "girlfriend."

I managed a smile and told her she was just a friend who was traveling with me for a short while. That smile I just mentioned was like a weight on my face, difficult to hold up, and it faded away sharply after I told the nurse it was nice to see her again.

She came by a little while later and sat next to me, surprising me and making my heart beat faster. "You shouldn't be too upset," she had told me. "You battled great. I was truly impressed by how the both of you battled. Telling him that he would've won was your only mistake. It disrespects your opponent, yourself, and your Pokemon."

I had nodded quickly.

After a few more words of encouragement, she walked off to take care of my Pokemon.

I could see Robin's Flourish defeating my Dugtrio after taking all those powerful hits. Kingdra finishing off Flourish with Brine attack before getting defeated herself, by Dots. Primeape knocking Dots out easily before having a faceoff with Mobster, both Pokemon ending up knocked out. Destiny taking out Hoothoot with Thunder before Charmeleon frightened her with Scary Face and ended the battle with Rock Smash. MJ taking out my Butterfree with the surprising Rock type Hidden Power after having been Paralyzed with Stun Spore. Charmeleon finishing things by blinding MJ and hitting it with Flamethrower.

Catherine continuing to refuse to battle me.

Catherine's still a Squirtle, too, I thought. Is she being taken care of? Could Robin have been lying? Is she not obeying him at all and not getting any battle experience needed to evolve? Does she simply prefer to just remain a Squirtle? With a sigh, my eyes scanned around the Pokemon Center.

A few Trainers were huddled together, gazing at their individual Pokedexes.

"I saw that Pokemon the other day!" one boy exclaimed, showing his Pokedex to his friends.

"An Arceus?! Yeah, right!" a girl dismissed him.

"I did! It ran away and I didn't get to pull out my Pokedex to scan it to show I'd at least seen it, but I saw it! Honest!"

"Yeah, an Arceus ran away from you," another boy laughed.

"He probably just saw a Stantler," the last boy chimed in.

They all laughed except the boy claiming he had seen Arceus. He was just glaring angrily at his friends.

Arceus. That was the Alpha Pokemon, said to have created the entire Pokemon world as we know it, born in a void of nothingness from an egg. Arceus is said to be the most powerful Pokemon in the world and is supposed to be able to resist any move type, being a combination of every type in existence.

I doubted that kid had truly seen an Arceus myself. There are some ancient texts and things that make note of a Pokemon like Arceus, but I doubted anyone's seen Arceus these days. But who knows.

A few girls were standing against the wall, talking and giggling.

A row of phone booths were posted several feet away from them.


I stood up quickly and jogged over to one of them, taking a seat. With a deep breath, I picked up the receiver and dialed Prof. Oak's number. Then I hung up. Several more deep breaths were taken in that moment. I had to call my mom first. I might as well. I'd been dying to call the Professor, but first, I wanted to deal with my mom and get that out of the way. The receiver returned to my palm again and my fingers dialed her number.

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