Finders, Keepers

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I was never a good conversationalist, typically enjoying thinking to myself. Taking in my surroundings. Walking in peace.

Not June. She wouldn't shut up.

Luckily, I'm a good listener. I guess.

"So my Elekid was defeated immediately," June continued. "He was just a baby, so, no surprise there. But when his Raichu beat my Magnemite was when I began to get worried. He knew Brick Break and tore his way right through us. Luckily my Flaaffy came out and helped us. Cotton Guard was a life saver. Then we slowed him down with Cotton Spore and took full advantage. His Raichu is actually naturally slow because he evolved him rather soon when he first caught it years ago, so slowing him down even further only resulted in an even worse defeat for him. Then, Lt. Surge sent out his Jolteon."

I guess I'm gonna hear this entire battle, I realized. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mind hearing about any Pokemon battle, but June had been talking about practically her entire life!

From growing up with her parents, to her crushes on boys in school, to her crush on Lt. Surge, to begging him to allow her to train under him, to losing battles to him.

I just wanted to enjoy the scenery and think about my upcoming Gym battle. We were walking through a very peaceful, open field with just a few trees and plenty of sunlight.

June's constant blabbering may have even been scaring away wild Pokemon.

I still needed to capture more.

"Please, don't!" a voice cried.

"Give 'em up," another voice demanded.

Me and June looked to each other for a second in surprise, then ran ahead to the noises. We soon located a group of kids close to our age.

There were four of them surrounding one little boy. The little boy was in tears, sitting on the ground, staring at the others in fear.

One of the boys grabbed the kid on the ground, lifted him up, and then shoved him back down. Then all of them started punching and kicking him.

"HEY!" me and June shouted in unison. We ran up to the boys and they all stopped beating up the lone kid and turned to me and June with frowns on their faces.

"What do you think you're doing?" June shouted.

"Mind your own business, you two!" one of the boys shot back.

My fists tightened and began to shake. "Why are you beating up that kid? You bullies! Ganging up on one person. Who do you think you are?"

"Oh, so you want some of this, too?" the tallest boy challenged. He moved swiftly and swung at me, catching me under my right eye.

I cried out and hit the ground. By the time I opened my eyes, two of the boys were above me, sending punches and sharp kicks at my face and body. I covered my face with my arms, but I couldn't catch my breath as they sent blows directly to my stomach.

"Stop it!!" June screamed out loudly. I witnessed her run at one of the boys, but he turned quick and shoved her down.

The other two boys held her down to the ground as she struggled to fight them off of her. "Ha ha, she's pretty," one boy said with a sneaky grin.

"Yeah, why you hanging around with this chump?" the other boy asked June. "He's pathetic. You should roll with our crew. I may even allow you to be my girlfriend." The kid laughed cruelly.

June snorted loudly and spit a phlegm filled glob of spit at the boy's face.

The two boys beating me up stopped suddenly and turned to stare at their friends.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now