Sprouting A Bout

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"You sure you're okay, Charmeleon?" I asked.

"Char," Charmeleon nodded reassuringly.

It was even colder than it was yesterday, the wind blowing in my face which was partially protected by the fur lined hood of my winter coat.

Charmeleon walked by my side, the wind blowing strong against him, the flame on his tail flickering in the wind, yet seeming to be full of power.

It had seemed like a nice day to walk outside with Charmeleon as we neared our destination of Fuchsia City, but suddenly the wicked wind kicked in and made me regret my choice.

"You know, I hope Ozne is as tough as Leigh," I told Charmeleon.

Charmeleon looked at me as we walked against the bitter cold.

"I hope he's even tougher," I continued, speaking bitterly now. "We need to battle the best to beat the best. We need to... beat the best, to be the best!" Yeah, that sounded good, I thought proudly, smirking.

Charmeleon's eyes were wide, smiling eagerly at my words.

"We need to push ourselves and reach as far as we can on our journey. We need to learn from our mistakes and take on the world." My voice was rising with determination. Or anger. "When challenges arrive that we can't overcome, we can't turn our backs on them forever! We have to go back around when the time is right and try again until we win!"

"Char!" Charmeleon agreed happily.

I knew that if Ozne was stronger than Leigh, and I beat him, then I could rest easy knowing that I was, technically, better than Leigh. It was a crazy, pathetic thought, but it was my crazy, pathetic thought... "This guy is supposed to be really good, too. Poison type Pokemon. He may have some Grass types, too, since a lot of Grass types are also part Poison. Same for Bug types. But we can't keep our guard down just because of a type advantage, right?"


"We'll get that Badge, and then..." I thought about where we would head next, coming to a stop, and pulled out my Town Map. I wished I had an electronic one.

Some Trainers got cool electronic devices that directed them where to go.

Not me.

Not Prof. Oak and rinky dink Pallet Town.

I was stuck with this stupid, crumbling, ancient, paper map. As me and Charmeleon proceeded forth, my eyes scanned the map.

There were countless Gyms after the one in Fuchsia.

Before I could start considering them all in my brain, a cry distracted me. I looked around but couldn't see anything.

The sound came out again. Some kind of angry yell followed by a possible cry of pain?

I had to check it out. "Let's go, Charmeleon!" I shoved the map in my pocket.

We both ran off the path and onto the grassy field near us, beyond several trees. In a clearing was where we came to a stop with a unified gasp.

"Sprout! Sprout! Sprout! Sprout!" a Bellsprout was sharply announcing, a pair of vines released from its leaves on its body, swinging at a strange Pokemon I didn't recognize.

I pulled out the Pokedex.

Floatzel. The Sea Weasel Pokemon and the evolved form of Buizel. Floatzel can be seen assisting humans who are drowning in their territory. It can float using its floatation sac.

Floatzel was jumping and ducking the vines coming at it and looked exhausted.

"Beeeeeeellsprout!" Bellsprout shouted, catching one of Floatzel's feet and tripping it onto the ground. "Sprout! Sprout! Bellsprout!" Bellsprout proceeded to whip Floatzel, holding it as the helpless Pokemon cried out.

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