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Lavender Town: A Coexistence Of Existence Within Purple Separation

"What do you think that means?" I asked June, reading the sign silently.

June didn't reply.

I turned to her as she stared quietly at Lavender Town from where we stood.

The town was fairly quiet, though people walked around in it. Mostly everyone in town was silent, while just a few seemed to be chatting with small smiles as they walked by. There were several houses lined up, a lively, beautiful garden in front of them. One huge building loomed over the city, reaching high into the sky.

"June?" I asked.

She ignored me and stepped into Lavender Town silently.

Confused, I followed her.

June looked around as she slowly strolled through town, a sad look coming over her face, her eyes seeming to be seeking something out in particular.

The area appeared nice, though perhaps dreary, and an odd chill ran up my spine like an insect. I leaped in the air and cried out, patting at my back. I looked around in a panic, but nobody was there. The creeping feeling was now gone.

June looked at me briefly, and then looked away and continued to walk.

A young couple stared at me like I was crazy and shook their heads, walking away.

I ran up to June. "June! What is your problem? Are you okay?"

June let out a sigh. "It's just like I thought it would be," she spoke.

"What?" I asked, not understanding her.

She stayed quiet for a moment. "I've never been here before, but I knew I'd arrive some day. Soon enough."

"June, will you please just explain to me what's going on?" I was getting impatient with her games, now. "I'm getting sick of these stupid riddles!"

June turned to me, a mournful look in her eyes. She appeared exhausted.

"June...?" I felt depressed just looking at her.

"Let's find the Pokemon Center." She led the way forward.

I followed, not saying a word. Worry and fear were now swimming in my blood.

June and I walked, me gazing at the houses, June looking straight ahead, focused. She didn't say a word as she walked towards the Pokemon Center.

Inside I noticed that the Pokemon Center was completely empty except for a Nurse Joy and her Chansey.

"Welcome to the Lavender Town Pokemon Center," Nurse Joy smiled. She seemed a little bit tired herself.

June and I approached her desk.

"Hi, Nurse Joy!" I exclaimed brightly.

"Here," June said quickly, dropping her bag onto the counter and pulling out her ten Poke Balls. She picked up her bag, turned, and left.

"June?" I called loudly. Her mood roughly snapped me out of the daze I had been falling into while staring at Nurse Joy's precious face. I turned back to Nurse Joy. "Uh, here Nurse Joy. And thank you!" I gave her my six Poke Balls and ran to catch up with June. "June!"

June turned to me as I finally reached her, wiping her eyes with her hand. "Gary, listen," she said sternly. "I need to go somewhere for a couple of hours or so. If you don't like it, then go on to Dark City and ditch me. Right now, I have something very important to take care of, so please, respect this of me if nothing else. It'd mean the world to me. There is the Kanto Radio Tower not far from here. You can go check it out if you're willing to wait. Please, Gary. And thank you." She pointed towards the large, towering building, and then turned and walked away towards some of the houses.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now