A Type To Remember

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"We're not gonna get away!" June whined.

"We can't stop now!" I yelled at her. "Move it!"

"I'm trying, Gary!" June yelled back.

We were both running as fast as we could, as far as our legs would take us, through an open plain. There were no bushes or trees or anywhere to hide. Just the open road and clear path surrounded us. June was a bit slower than me and even if I got away, she was going to get caught.

It was only a matter of time before those police sirens screaming behind us would be blocking our path.

And then what?

Would Officer Jenny force June to stay in Gringey City? Could they do that? Didn't June have a right to leave? Was there something more that I didn't know? Something June was hiding from me?

I recalled June crying just minutes ago, saying she was loved at Gringey City. That they cared so much for her that they didn't want her to travel on her own, fearing she was too weak to be a Pokemon Trainer traveling alone.

"Juuuune!!!" I heard a voice scream over a megaphone. "This is Officer Jenny!! Where are you going?! Why are you running away?! Who is that person with you?!"

"Gary!" June cried.

"Don't stop!" I urged.

I turned back and saw that she was several feet behind me and had stopped running. She was bent over, hands on her knees, gasping for air.

I stopped. "JUUUNE!!" I was gasping for air myself. "What are you doing??"

The cop cars and motorcycles were not far from us, sirens blaring, lights flashing.

I just stood there, unsure of what our next move would be.

"June!!" Officer Jenny yelled again, her car slowing down as she neared June. "Are you okay, dear? You, kid over there!! You are under a-!!"

"Pikachu, use Flash!" I heard June yell as she threw a Poke Ball.

Her Poke Ball opened and out popped a Pikachu! "Piiiika!!" it screamed, and a bright light emitted from its body.

I shielded my eyes against the intense white light and watched as all the cars disappeared behind the Flash.

"Let's go!" I heard June.

My hand was grabbed and tugged. I gasped and blindly followed the pull, running. It was a couple of minutes of blinking before I could see that it was June pulling me.

Running in front of her was the Pikachu.

I looked behind me to see several Officer Jennys. Some were sitting on their still motorcycles, and others were standing outside their cars. Some of them were covering their eyes in their hands while others were blinking nonstop. They seemed to be having trouble seeing.

"Gary, don't stop! Keep going!" June pulled me harder.

I turned forward and ran as hard as I could with her.

I'm not sure how long we ran. It was just a large cycle where we would be running, and several times, we stopped, exhausted and desperate for water. Then, we kept running again. We would once again stop. A desire to push forward drove us beyond our limit to charge on again.

There was no sign nor sound of the police behind us.

What felt like at least an hour later, our path was lined by trees.

I stumbled over to one and collapsed against the trunk and slid down it, hitting the ground. My eyes closed as I breathed hard. The desire to sleep was taking over my body with ease. Even getting a bite to eat didn't sound like a bad idea. But, above all, I was truly desperate for some water! I could hear gasping for air at least several feet away. After a while of swallowing my own saliva and feeling like I had gained some sort of energy back, I looked to June.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now