Cold Storage

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Ice cold wind blew against my body, forcing me to shrivel up against it but I continued pressing forward with my hands in my jacket pockets. The jacket was too thin for this kind of weather, even zipped all the way up to my chin. My cap, flipped backwards, wasn't made to cover one's ears, so my ears were feeling ready to fall off. Tears rolled out of my eyes and vanished at a constant pace as if I were crying as I blinked them free and struggled to see. I was freezing. Winter time has definitely arrived, I knew.

It was hard to keep track of what time of the year it was and what was going on in the world once you became a Pokemon Trainer.

Route 17

Cycling Road

My pace quickened as I walked past the sign and started heading downhill. I turned my gaze to the water lining the path alongside me as I was forced to jog lightly.

A sea of water, pushed by the air blowing harshly, went as far as my eyes could see. Waves rose high into the air and crashed down, sending sprays of water to the edge of the path I walked along. I imagined it must be a pretty ideal spot to walk along in the summer, the sun high in the air, glistening off the water and reflecting beautifully.

But in this harsh cold that was blowing now, even keeping away the typical Bikers that are supposed to frequently hang around this area, I couldn't enjoy the view as I tried focusing on not freezing to death. I guess I'll pull out my winter coat and hat when I reach the next town, I thought. Fuchsia City. A pumped feeling filled my chest and the cold was starting to bother me just a tiny bit less at the thought of finally getting to the next town and obtaining my next Badge. It seemed like forever since I'd battled for a Gym Badge.

Not since... Saffron City.

I was shivering hard in my thin jacket from the terrible cold outside, but thinking of Saffron sent a special chill down my spine.

My eyes were glued to the water beside me. I'd always had a special relation when it came to water. On one end, I hate it. I hate swimming, or being sprayed with water, or any other kind of contact with the stuff outside of needing to wash myself. But watching the rain fall, walking through a storm with or without an umbrella, or staring at a body of water, these things attracted me somehow. It was probably because it was a part of nature. One of the things I loved so much about Pallet Town was how simple it was. It was surrounded by plant life, Pokemon, and one large section of water that leads to Cinnabar Island. It was all I needed. When I was upset at my house after an argument with my mom, I could run to the Seafoam Islands, situated not far from Pallet Town, and gaze at the water in needed peace. I also liked to walk onto Route 1, just a few steps in, and sit there, hoping to run into a cool Pokemon and maybe even befriend it.

Prof. Oak always told me never to go out there alone, and would bark at me if he caught me, but in his old age, that rarely ever happened.

Prof. Sketchit was usually the one who was around to spot me, but he never would yell at me or get upset. He was a lot more kind but insisted all the same that I not go out there by myself.

When I did sneak out there to meet Pokemon, all I ever ran into were usually just Rattata, and they always ran away from me.

A wave raised from out of the sea, accompanied by a sudden, huge gust of wind, and it crashed down, spraying the ground again.

The sky looked so gloomy, I could've thought it was raining right now. My favorite kind of weather. My comfort zone, so to speak. I hoped it would rain. My eyes on the water, thinking about as many things as I could contain in my mind at one time as I usually do, including my Gym battle, my new Pokemon, wondering what else lies before me on this journey I'm on, something caught my eye.

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