The Dancer, The Healer, The Memoria!

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I stared at the roof of the Gym as me and June approached the doors.

The roof was designed as a humongous, red flower with white polka dots on it. It looked so familiar...

The electronic glass doors slid open and the sweet smell of perfume and plants were the first things I noticed before my eyes could even take in the view. The first thing I saw was June. "Huh?"

She was right next to me just a second ago, but now she was gripping the pink counter sitting in front of a pretty lady with a surprised look on her slightly red face, staring at June. "What is that scent??" she insisted.

Behind the woman was a set of large plants of various colors, reaching high up to the ceiling. In fact, plants were everywhere in this place, I began to realize as I took a good look around me.

The lady stood up from her seat and nodded at us. "Welcome to Celadon City Gym," the woman greeted us. "What you're smelling is a combination of the flowers we raise here with our Grass type Pokemon, and the perfume we wear and make here, the essence of which is inspired from the Pokemon in this Gym."

"It's wonderful!" June squealed. "I would love to buy some! It smells so wonderful! Do you have samples I can try out?"

"Actually, we do," the woman said excitedly. "If you'd like to wait for just a moment, I can bring you a few."

"That would be wonderful!"

"Um..." I started.

"Just one second, sir. I'll be right with you in a moment after I take care of this lady who got here first," the woman smiled at me. She walked from behind the counter and went through a door in the back.

I glared at June.

June turned to me, smiling. After seeing my face, her smile faded. "Sorry."

"We got here at the exact same time," I muttered.

"Yeah, but I did run ahead of you," June winked.

I sighed in frustration.

"I'll smell all pretty and stuff now, Gary! Won't that be nice?"

I really could care less, I thought irritably, keeping silent eyes on her.

The lady came back soon enough with a tray full of samples of perfume for June to smell.

I walked over to a wall and slid down until I hit the floor and watched June smell each and every perfume sample that was there and losing it over how good they all smelled. With every wasted second, I got more and more agitated and impatient. Me and June are gonna have to have a talk, I thought.

This was just like when I would travel with my sister and parents to stores in the city. I'd be so bored when my mom and Melissa would drag me and dad to buy clothes and perfume and jewelry and other crap. My dad and I would sit together bored, waiting, and short on patience. We then would end up carrying the bags as the girls continued to buy even more stuff. We had a nice life. My eyes began to sting, tears blurring my vision I wasn't really focusing on. What was my dad aiming for in life? How much better of a life did he want? Why did he leave to become a Pokemon Trainer? What was he looking for?

"I'll come back with some more samples if you'd like," the woman's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Okay, I'd love to see what else you have!" June replied.

"WAIT A MINUTE!" I yelled and leaped to my feet.

"Sir, there is no need to shout," the woman said with a smile plastered on her face. "I will take care of you shortly after."

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