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"Where does June always leave to?" Robin asked me.

"She's with her Pokemon," I told him lowly, unsure of exactly how to answer.

"Her Pokemon?" Robin asked in confusion. "But all of our Pokemon are right here, eating. Why is she by herself with her Pokemon?"

Charmeleon, Hoothoot, Primeape, Kingdra, Weepinbell, and Baltoy ate next to Robin's Squirtle, Croconaw, Pikachu, Arcanine, Togekiss, and Kecleon.

My eyes removed from the group accompanying our clearing. "Just issues they are having," I muttered. "She's working on them, I guess. She'll return in a while." I took another bite of my sandwich, chewing on it very slowly until it turned into mush in my mouth, and then proceeding to swallow it slowly. I wasn't hungry. It's hard to have an appetite when your entire body is already full from emotional pain. Having Robin with me on my journey now seemed to add to the stress. It was as if the problem was right in front of my face now.

He was eating from a bag of chips. It was good to see him eating again. Something I hadn't seen him do in a couple of days. Even if it was just a bag of chips, it was better than nothing.

It had been a couple of days since Robin had joined up with June and I. With Robin along with us, it could've, and should've, been a blast of fun. But it wasn't. Things were very quiet. None of us spoke much.

June tried to break the ice on occasion, asking about his Badges, his Pokemon, and what kind of training he'd been doing all this time.

Robin's answers were very short, whenever he actually gave any. Most of the time, he just ignored June completely, his eyes trained on the ground, glaring at it. At times, his silently raging eyes let loose the weight of tears. Only last night, I awoke to sounds of Robin in his sleeping bag, sniffling heavily.

Catherine, Bright Eyes, Dots, Flourish, Spirit, and Subliminal. Those were the nicknames he gave for his Pokemon. I knew about Catherine, Bright Eyes, Dots, and Flourish, but Togekiss as Spirit, and Kecleon as Subliminal, were new to me.

Hearing their silly nicknames got a smile out of me upon hearing them the first time.

Robin's Pokemon didn't seem very energetic. They seemed to be out of it. Down, even.

Even Catherine didn't seem as eager as usual to see me. She smiled happily and waved at me and June, but that was about it before sitting.

Maybe they can pick up on Robin's sadness, too, I thought. Like my Pokemon did when I was dealing with Aly's passing before.

"Hey," Robin said suddenly, breaking the silence.

I turned to him quickly.

"Remember when Aly was at your birthday party and refused to eat the chocolate cake that your parents were serving because she hates chocolate?" Robin said with a grin, keeping his eyes on the ground.

I smiled a little, my eyes watering up. "Yeah," I managed to let out in a whisper.

"She was so upset," Robin continued. "She crossed her arms and pouted and refused to drink anything. There was no other flavored cake, and she refused anything else to eat but cake. She wouldn't play any games with us and just scowled!" Robin laughed a little before covering his eyes, his body jumping lightly as he cried quietly.

My hands remained on the ground as I leaned against the tree trunk I was sitting by and let the sharp tears fall. "What about that time in the first grade when she threw a tantrum in class because the English homework was too much for her?" I wiped my eyes.

"She said it was too long and stupid and she was refusing to do it!" Robin spoke behind his hands. "Oh! And what about when Aly saw that Meowth in the schoolyard and the teacher, who had that huge phobia of cats, grabbed her and pulled her away from the Meowth while she was petting it and scared it away. Aly kicked the teacher and yelled at her for scaring away the Meowth!"

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now