A Fresh Starter

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Fate can be cruel. But who are any of us to say what's fair. In a world full of opinion, where every right is someone else's wrong. Where what is a criminal act to one person is a merciful act in the mind of another. A world where surviving traumatic, life changing experiences can be the very reason you are now living the lavish life a few years later. A world where everyone is convinced they have the answer based on a gut feeling that has been wrong countless times before. It is this world I live in that is governed by such a fate. A relentless fate acting upon some form of will.

But to what end?

I didn't need to open my eyes. I didn't even need my ears. Neither was necessary for me to know I was in a hospital. The pain everywhere told me enough. Reminded me of the attack. I thought crazy thoughts when I was left alone within my mind. I enjoyed the time to contemplate life and judge everything in the entire universe. My thoughts were too much to tell most anyone. It was hard to put these thoughts that flowed like water in my head into words. The water turned to ice and got caught in my throat. I also knew I wasn't alone in my room. And even though I had yet to open my eyes, I knew that the living thing a few feet away from me was my Mankey. It had to be.

It wasn't long before my exhausted body caved in again, and I fell asleep.

My Charmander looked up at me. "You're a failure," it sneered.

"Huh?" My mouth hung open, my eyes wide in shock.
"I could tell from the moment I saw you. You're pathetic. A total idiot."

"Hey, wait a –"

"You're not a Pokemon Trainer. Just a weak kid associated with losers and quitters."

"Why are you -?"

"Your weakling of a sister. Your failure of a dad. A chump and a wimp. And now, you. A perfect combination of both. Dare I say a... chimp?" Charmander chuckled sinisterly. "I bet you made your mother proud failing this fast at life."

I threw myself at Charmander in anger.

My eyes shot open right before I grabbed it by the throat and I hit the floor.

It had been a dream.

My head was throbbing hard. That collision would've hurt by itself, but the fact that my entire body was in aching pain already, made a bad situation, worse. Moaning on the floor, I looked around me.

Indeed, I was in some sort of hospital room. It actually looked very peasant and welcoming. A TV was hanging a little ways from my bed. Flowers sat in a blue vase on a table with a note in them, all wrapped in plastic. And another bed...


I stood up and hobbled over to get a better look, but there was no doubt about it.

A Mankey. My Mankey. Looking worse than I remembered. He was covered in purple and black bruises everywhere. It didn't even look like a Mankey anymore. Just a bulging, pulsating entity hooked by cords to a couple of differing large, beeping machines.

"Mankey," I whispered.

The door opened suddenly and I saw her.

Nurse Joy. An incredibly beautiful nurse known throughout the entire Pokemon world. Were they more famous for their beauty? Or for the odd trait that every Nurse Joy is not only related, but each and every one of them looks exactly alike and were all named Joy? Probably the latter. But their beauty was not to be counted out. It had been a secret dream of mine to meet a Nurse Joy. She was, after all, extraordinarily gorgeous.

Even in my most memorable trips with my parents, we never did visit a Pokemon Center or meet a Nurse Joy. My dad had a lot of Pokemon, but he always kept them with him and knew how to care for them himself, so he didn't often bother visiting the nurses.

A New Life Through The Eyes Of Kanto: An AutobiographyWhere stories live. Discover now