The War-the end

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Cold. Empty.

Thats what I felt when I woke up with chains around my wrists in a dark, damp cell. Raphael laughed as he hit me over the head with a rock once we were out of Dakota's view. The last thing I heard was Dakota's cries.

"Oh Pilla, darling, miss me?"

My blood freezes. No. No. It cant be him. It's not possible. Yet as soon as my eyes met his, I knew. It was a nightmare come true, and no matter how much of a majestic armadillo I was there was no waking up from this.


"H-how, Serin? You're supposed to be dead." I whisper and shudder. He smirks wickedly the same smirk I thought I'd never see again. And I was happy.

"Well, you see dear cousin, after your mate tore me apart I went to this very hot place. Can you guess where? Anyway, Suddenly I was back on earth. You see the people I work for, The Silver Arrows, brought me back to life to help with their cause! Isn't that wonderful!" He laughed and clapped his hands.

Sick basfunk.

He grabs my hair and thrusts me  up from my place on the gritty floor until i am looking at his disgusting face. Seriously, how could someone have such an ugly face to match such an ugly personality?

I guess he's just lucky.

"You dirty whore." He slapped me across the face. I turned my face and glared at him. In one solid, swift move, I spat on his face. Take that sucker! I got the power of spit on my side!

Well, lets just say he did not like that. I mean, I don't know why. Spit is quite a useful thing if you think about about, because it keeps your mouth moist and not all clammy.

So he should feel blessed.

"I'm going to kill you!" he roared and threw my body against the wall. Pain erupted down my back as it scraped raw against the rough stone. My shirt is ruined! I swear to goddess...

Dakota! Help!

Sudden panic flashed through me. Dakota had me blocked out. I swayed up and glared harder at Serin. "You're going to have to try harder than that. Honestly that was weak." I taunted and spit again. He glared at me, and it was only then did I realize that his eyes were blood red.

"You're dead." He growled and pounced on me only to stop half way. He laughed suddenly. " Well, guess what time it is precious Pilla?"

"Time for your sacrifice."

Raphael came into the cell and stood by Serin. "Ah, Pillie, great to see you're still conscious. But its time for that heart of yours to be sliced out of your body." He smirked and grabbed ahold of my right shoulder and started to push me to the cell door.

"Pilla, break the shackles. Use my strength." Lune said and I felt her strength flood into my wrists. I did not waste anymore time before breaking the shackles over my knees and whipping around kicking Raphael in the side.

I am victorious! Bow down to me, runts!

"You bitch!" He screamed. I smirked, but I screamed in pain as electricity shocked my side. It felt like someone had scorched my skin with a lightning bolt. Panting, I turned to see Serin holding some type of electric stick.

"Get to walking bitch." Serin growled, but I decided something. And its a very big something.

I'm not going down with out a fight.

I slowly started to walk along eyeing everything that could help me. After walking through damp hallways, she was shoved in front some old and young men.

"The sacrifice has arrived." Serin smirked. I just growled. A old man stepped forward. When I say old, I mean you could see the layers of dust on him and spiders spinning webs in his hair. "Perfect, bring her to the table." I desperately tried to fight anything, but they were so many holding me to the table as Serin tied me down.

I glanced around as my eyes met Raphael's. They were still a cold bitter blue, but they looked conflicted. Almost... guilt? Lune retreated into a dark corner of my mind as I see the silver knife being presented on a blood red pillow.

Everything was going in slow mo as Dust Collector recited some ancient lines, and he stood to face me. I could feel the hate burning into my pores. Somebody needs a chill pill.

"Now for the reckoning of the cursed werewolves." He echoed as he brought down the knife. It pierced my skin and flesh causing a scream to erupt from my lips. Where's Dakota? "I love you Kota.." I said through the link. If those were my last words, they were spent well. Howls boomed throughout the underground hallways, and I knew I've been saved. My Kota has come.

"Damn it! Hurry up!" A man screamed at Dust Collector. He stared in shock before he raised the knife high. The glint off blade was probably the last thing I ever saw. I squeezed my eyes shut. The sound of metal skidding on stones echoed and a loud raspy yowl rang. I peeked one eye open to see Raphael standing where Dust Collector was heaving. Everything was silent expect for water drips, the war upstairs, Raphael's breathing and growling, and Dust Collector's yowling.

"I couldn't save Julie from myself, but I can save you." He said lowly. Serin was furious as he tried to help Dust Collector up, who was howling, very unattractively night I add, about his hip. Raphael cut me loose before hell literally broke out. The large door broke open wolves spilling out, both large and small, and the Silver Arrows were scrambling around trying to find weapons.

Raphael seemed to take it upon himself to guard me, before a loud echoing growl literally shook the stones. It was like a lion coming onto a war against hyenas. Ooh, I need to watch that movie! Added to the list!

A large black wolf stood like a dark fire. Dakota. My Kota. He was furious, and it was clear as he mauled Silver Arrow after another. I tried to change, but it seemed blocked. I glanced around as I saw an gray smaller wolf tower over Dust Collector. Serin has conveniently bailed the old man, hmm seemed like a cowardly move.

"You know I've been drinking Wolf's Bane every day for 70 years. You'll die even taking a nip at me." I realized who the wolf was. Elder Artos. Then I realized that Dust Collector was the one who killed his daughter. AND then I realized, Elder Artos didn't care. He was going to avenge his daughter. In one quickly move, he latched onto Dust Collector's throat. Blood sprayed, and both bodies fell, expect one was going to a happy place the other was going to be very very hot.

Soon, the war was over. We lost a few, they lost all expect one. Serin. Dakota slowly stalked him as a cat would do to its food. In one swift move, Serin was double dead.

Dakota slowly prowled over to Raphael who was barely standing trying to keep me safe. Kota shifted back to human grabbing a pair of shorts from a Arrow. "You better step away from my mate now." He growled lowly, but I knew he was thankful for Raphael. I think Raphael knew it too.

I quickly rushed into his strong arms feeling safe, warm, loved, and like a majestic armadillo. We just held each for what felt like a eternity, and we both knew an eternity wouldn't be enough for us.

We were it forever, for the long run.

Eventually we were even in it till death do us part.

Then we had a new adventure with new adventures which may include people, that looked lot like Dakota and I.


It's done. Over. No more. Wow, literally I procrastinated this book when I really just need one chapter. Tell me your favorite part, what I can fix when I edit, and just your thoughts!


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