Killer Barbie

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The horrid bell rang out, and Walker and I met with Dakota leaving Poppy for her class. Except when Dakota was walking past Poppy, poppy and to go all overprotective.

She pulled him by his collar and whispered something in his ear causing him to go pale. I wonder what Poppy said this time. Was it a good ole one or a Poppy classic? I hope it's just a good ole one, because Poppy's made up threats scare me, and they're not even directed at me.

She could be a killer Barbie.

I smiled at Dakota, "You good, Kota?" He just stared me for a second before slowly nodding. I laughed, and Walker decided to join in the conversation. "Yeah, I know she's scary." He fake shivered, and soon we arrived at our class.

We walked into class laughing, and the teacher glared at us. "You three are lucky your early, otherwise I'd give you a detention for disrupting the class." She huffed before setting the board up for the lesson.

What crawled in her granny panties?

We shared a smile before walking into our seats. Geez, school chairs are so uncomfortable! Why couldn't all schools have bean bag chairs? Oh my gosh, that is the best idea ever! Now to plot...

I was staring into space when the other students stared to file in. Including Raphael. He looked at me and gave an icy smirk. I think he has the power to transport ice from Antartica to his eyes and smirk; I believe it.

He slowly walked over to us and took the desk behind me. I could practically feel his eyes going through my head. I felt my breath shallow and my hand shake as if I was maraca. He's going to touch me. He's going to hurt me. He's going to find me. He's going to get me. He's going to win. He's- My thoughts were interrupted. "Pilla! He's not going to touch you! He's not going to win! We will get through this. We will, trust me. Dakota wouldn't let him hurt us. Please, just calm down." Lune begged.

I took a shaky deep breath and calmed my unsettled nerves, You're right Lune. Do you want to run after school? I asked shakily. I felt her perk up immediately, "Duh!" She yipped. Ok. I shut her out.

I zoned for the rest of my classes until I got to lunch. Dakota, Walker, Alexia, Justin, Rox, Matt, and surprisingly, Poppy sat down with me after we got our food. Walker rushed to sit by Poppy, shoving Matt out of the way. Matt looked at him confused before taking the seat on the other side of Alexia.


I rolled my eyes and sat between Dakota and Justin. Everybody managed, I don't know how either, to sit by their mate. How in the world did we figure that out? Miracle.

Everybody introduced themselves to Poppy and accepted her into the psycho group, Justin's words not mine. "Hey! That's my French fry!" Alexia yelled at Matt as he popped a very nice looking French fry into his mouth. "That's mine!" Rox glared as Justin took a French fry off of her tray as well.

Uh oh. The stealing-mate's-French-fry war has begun.

Walker grinned and stole one of Poppy's fries and shoved it in his mouth. "Walker!" Poppy screeched. Dakota smiled at me, "Touch them, and I will not be afraid to bite off your fingers." I glared at Dakota. His smile faltered, "Droplet, I don't have too." I looked at him confused before it snapped.

I whipped my head to my French fries just in time to see Justin cram five fries in his mouth. Five! Five of my French fries! I'll have to get my revenge soon...

We talked and soon the bell rang. We all got up and dumped our trays and headed to our classes, but right as I was walking out a note was discretely put in my hand. I looked around, but everybody was crowded.

I slowly opened the note, and I about had a panic attack.

It read:
Serin and I will have our way with you, and Dakota won't be alive to save you. Just remember you are never safe, dear Pillie. You and Dakota's ends are near. The question is who will die first? We'll have to see. Be careful Pilla.

We will find you. You are never safe.


EEEEEEEE!!! What does that mean?! When did Serin come in?! Oooh, I can't wait!

TODAYS MY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!  I turn 15!!!!!!

Well, buhbye!

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