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He grinned and stands up, but how in the hunger games?! He was almost dead...oh my golly! Is he a zombie?! That's not cool at all. Brains...yuck!

I looked at him trying to figure it out. "Pillow, why are you staring at me like that?" He asked. I shrugged,"Trying to figure out if you're a zombie, because I like my brain."

I figured out (after Dakota told me) that Apple was really Alexia. Banana was really Matt; the two darker wolves were Rox and Justin.

Everybody just stared at me after I said the whole zombie thing (but werewolves exist so why not?) before breaking into laughter. Oh, now they're laughing at me...great.

"Droplet, there no such things as zombies. They don't have a life force." Dakota said. Don't worry, he got his fair share of laughing in. I turn back to face Walker still on the ground, "But you were almost dead, h-how?" I stumbled a bit on my words before shooting off the floor and crushing Walker in a hug.

I almost lost him.

"You! Pilla you saved him! Oh yeah, I've figured it out!" Dakota grinned. We all rolled our eyes at the same time. "Care to explain, because we're not all as 'smart' as you." Justin put air quotes around smart, causing Dakota to just glared at him.

"Justin, we all know your math grade. Anyway, remember what the Elder Artos said?" He looked at me like I should remember. "He said a lot of things." I shrugged my arm still around Walker.

Dakota let out a growl when he saw my arm around Walker. He's slow I guess. "Dude, no." Justin said before Alexia, Matt, Rox, and him hit Dakota on the head at the same time.

"Ow! What the fuck guys?!" He glared at them rubbing the back of his head. "He almost died, let her hug him." Rox explained. "Anyway, you went to Elder Artos? Why?" Alexia wondered.

Oh it's nothing, just that Dakota and I are the most powerful wolves in history. I don't think that would be the best way to explain the situation. Dakota and I shared a look.

We should tell them.

"Not here. Somewhere else, private." Dakota whispered. "Why are we whispering?" Justin whisper-yelled. Leave it up to Justin to make us smile.

We ended up just skipping the rest of the school day (not like there was much left), and went to the pack house.

Dakota was driving, with Matt and Alexia in front row. Alexia complaining about getting the makeshift middle seat, but didn't want to sit away from Matt. I sat on the window seat, Justin got the middle, Rox sat on his lap, and Walker got on the other side of them. Yeah, we were getting cozy with each other.

The sun glistened off the leaves of the trees, which seemed to hold more secrets than I do. Trust me, I still have secrets that I pray never become unburied, secrets I hope even Dakota never finds out.

Secrets that almost killed me.

Secrets that are willing to kill.

"Hey guys, I think Pilla is broken." I felt Justin poke my cheek a few times. "Huh?" I mumbled. "Oh no! She can't even form sentences right! Dakota, look what looking at your face too long has done to your mate. Your ugliness fried her brain!" Justin gasped.

Dakota growled, "My face is not ugly! You probably fried her brain with your stink." I giggled, I really want to say something.

"You know Kota, Justin smells great compared to what you smelled like a few days ago." I giggled out. His face was priceless!  "Not you too, Droplet! No, no, no, don't go to the dark side." He whined. Alexia and Rox couldn't even contain their laughter.

Walker had a smile playing on his lips, and I knew something was coming out of his mouth. "You know alpha, I never took you as the whambulance driver type." Everybody stopped for a second before laughter erupted. Rox was laughing so hard she fell off Justin's lap.

"Ouch." Rox groaned before laughing again. "I seriously don't like you guys anymore." Dakota mumbled before pulling into the pack house.

I guess, explanation time is here.

OMG!! 17k views and 1k votes!!! You guys rock!! I never thought this book would be that popular, so thanks for all the support!!


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