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Now this is freak out time.

How am I going to lie my way out of this one? Say 'oh I fell backwards and skid down this cemented hill on my back'...yeah, no. Uh, I was playing with a chain and I fell on top of it. No. I fell out- "Pilla! What the fuck happened?! Answer me!" He roared, causing the whole hallway to stare and snicker.

"D-Dakota, st-stop." I shivered in fear. I've seen guys get this angry and nothing good came out of it. Pain, misery, and hopelessness is what exactly came out of it. "Pilla, I'm not playing a god damn game! What the fuck happened to your back?!" I shivered and I could the tears well up in my eyes; I'm gonna cry soon. I shook my head, a simple enough answer saying 'no, let it go'.

He didn't, he reached out his hand to touch my cheek and I broke. I broke down crying. I felt the tears flow down my face freely as I collapsed on the floor.

Panic attack.

Black rimmed the edge off my vision, as I stared down at Dakota's black boots, and I curled into a tight ball. I faintly heard someone's books drop and run towards us. "You get the fuck away from her! I don't care if the biggest bad boy, you have no right yelling at my best friend! Look at what you've done!"

I heard Poppy curse Dakota out, but I could hardly see now. The black was no longer around the rim it consumed my vision, and soon I was falling into the dark pit of nothingness.

Squishy. That's what I felt when I woke up; squishy. I opened my eyes to see the nurses office, grand. Just grand. "Hello dear, you fell out there, but you're quite alright. You should go home I called your uncle to come get you. He'll be here shortly." The nurse twirled away, not realizing what she'd done.

She cursed me to more pain...great. I'm so enthusiastic about my next beating. End me now. I sat up when I heard loud shouting going on outside the closed door of the nurse's office, "God damn it! Let me see her!"

I knew that growl anywhere. Dakota. That's around the time I saw the door fly open, right off its hinges. Dakota ran over to me and knelt beside the bed I was laying on, "Pilla! I'm so sorry. Please, I didn't mean to scare you. I just got out of control, but that's no excuse for getting at angry for something that not my business. Please forgive me I'm so sorry." He took my hands in his and the sparks shot up my arm and into my heart, and I knew I couldn't not forgive him.

"It's fine, Dakota. You didn't know I would get that scared, neither did I. Back to normal?" I suggested. He nodded "Back to normal." He reached out to touch my cheek again, but this time...I didn't flinched. But, he never touched down.

Devil Rod came barging through the moment, of course. Of fudgin course! "Pilla! Ah, honey", he started sickly sweet,"Come on, time to go home. Get you laying down and resting." He stared at me waiting for me to break. I was at least going to try.

"Home? Where's home? I don't have a home. Especially with you." I said pretending to think. I saw Rod's face turn slightly red, "Pilla, come on don't be that way. Let's just go home." I stared at him defiantly.


Oh boy, I am so going to die at home...maybe literally.

He stared at me, and started to walk over to me. By then, all my bravado had disappeared. Out the window. Poof. Vanished. Eaten by a dragon.

"No? Pilla, lets go. Now." Devil was close, and I was shaking in my beaten tennis shoes. "Pilla? Are you ok?" Dakota looked at me worried.

Dakota short POV

I could feel my beautiful mate's fear radiating off her in unbelievable amounts. She was terrified out of her wits; I could feel it. And it wasn't normal.

Back to Pilla's POV

I froze. Oops, I totally forget he was still here, not good. "Uh, y-yeah. I should g-go though, bye." I stammered out, getting up and walking out with my 'uncle' in tow. Turning back, I saw Dakota lost in thought looking at the door. What is that boy doing to me? I want to be around him every minute, and his presence makes me feel safe. Stupid teenage hormones.

The devil and I climbed into his car, and we drove in silence until we reached the woods. "Get out and walk. I can't even stand being in the same car with your filthy whore self."

I was stunned. Am I a whore? I mean, I've never even had my first kiss, but does that determine if you're a whore? No, I'm a person. If they think they can degrade me into believing what they say; they can shove something up their butts.

"I said GET OUT!" He screams vanes popping out of his forehead. I guess I waited to long, because as I was getting out he grabbed my arm and pulled out his pocket knife. Without saying a word, he stabbed it into my arm and twisted. Pain flooded into my brain, and I cried out. He didn't let go. He just kept stabbing and twisting for a total of three times before throwing my bleeding arm back at my face.

I didn't wait around any longer to get out.

I scrambled into the scenery into the dark woods and possibly my grave where the cause of death is bleeding to death.

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