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A ghost.

That's what I felt like. It felt like I was there and feeling pain, yet nobody could see me and my distress. Nobody cares about a ghost until it scares them or something. They're just...there.

I had a good idea that Raphael wrote it, but I couldn't believe what it said. No, I could believe it... I just didn't want to. Serin? How? He's dead. I saw him die. I heard his last screams. He's dead...right?


Raphael wrote very clearly that Dakota won't be able to save me. Dakota won't let that happen, because he said he'll protect me until death...right?


I stopped in the middle of the crowd of demons dazed and shocked. Dakota and the gang went ahead so caught up laughing they didn't even notice.

People were bumping into me, but I couldn't move. My shallow breathes, weak legs, dizziness, thumping heart, and small black dot dancing across my vision signaled that I was about to have a panic attack.

Everybody kept shoving into me and telling me to move, yet I was frozen. I heard my heart beat so loud I could hear it ringing in my ears. Everything was spinning out of control, and I couldn't stop any of it.

Suddenly, my strength was drained, and my legs gave out from under me causing me to collapse in short gasps on the cold floor. The note was still clenched in my fist reminding me, no, laughing at me that my happiness is near a end.

The demons crowded around me, gawking at me like I was a lion in a herd of deer. My heart felt like little pins were being stabbed into it at the thought of Dakota being killed. Air didn't seem to reach my lungs, and the spots were growing like a disease; it felt like torture.

A roar echoed through the crowd, and everybody backed away from my shaking, gasping form. I closed my eyes in a desperate attempt to clear the black clouds over my vision. Tingles shot through my body, and I was being lifted.

"Get out of here, you idiots!"

"Da-Dakota." I gasped hardly getting any air in. I felt the gangs presence around me, "She can't breathe! Get her to the pack doctor!" Someone said sounding a lot like Rox.

Dakota whimpered next to me before the black spots became too much and took over. The final thing I heard was a sweet whisper of Dakota telling I'll be alright.

What if I won't be alright?


I woke up in the hospital wing at the pack house...again. I'm getting way too familiar with this place, just telling the truth here. Shifting in the uncomfortable bed, I let out a groan. I need to talk to Dakota to get hospital beds that aren't like boards.

Looking beside my bed I almost jumped and screamed. "Geez, Kota you almost gave me heart attack." I gasped clutching my heart. He looked at me with his dark eyes that swirl unevenly.

"I almost gave you a heart attack? Droplet, you almost gave the whole gang and then some a heart attack." He chuckled running his hand through his messy hair. "Sorry, Kota." I mumbled. He gave me a tight smile. "It's fine, Droplet. Just tell me what caused you to have a panic attack. Just tell me."

Easier said than done, my dear Kota.

Should I tell him or not? I asked Lune. She seemed to think about it for a minute, "Yeah, you should. He needs to know."

I took a breath a looked in my hand. What the fudge?! The note was still clenched in my hand tightly like a death grip. How in the world? I'm not going to think on it too much.

"This is why." I whispered and handed the crumpled note. He read it over, growled, and looked at me with the gold ring eyes before slamming the note on the bedside table. The poor table crumpled under the force.

He looked at me and stormed out of my sight, leaving me confused.

Did I do something wrong?

Yes, I'm here to explain my absence! I'm really sorry it wasn't out for a long time, it's just I've been kinda depressed lately and craps been going on. Plus writers block doesn't help anything.

Anyway! I've got this chapter out!


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