I Know

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I said my silent goodbye to each tree and rock I passed. I said goodbye to the squirrels in the trees and the birds on the ground. Why? Why, you may ask that I am acting so...what's the word...irrational? The answer is simple.

I know.

I know what's going to happen. I know where it's going to happen. I know to what extant is going to happen. I know my death, and I'm scared. No, I'm terrified.

I'm so terrified.

When I got onto the path I to the forest I sighed remembering Handsome. He saved my life...for nothing. I made a list of who I'm going to miss.

One: Poppy
Two: Handsome
Three: Dakota

I stopped realizing that I only three people in my life who I care about. Wow. I really am unsocial. Ones a dog, so I don't know if I can put him in the people place, but I still care.

I shook my head and continued walking to my death. I made to the deepest part of the woods before the house when I heard a menacing chuckle. Freeze. Thats what I did.

I know, I know, I should've ran or something, but I'd like to see what you do when you're in a dark, thick woods and hear a not friendly chuckle. You wouldn't be like 'come at me!' or 'fight me you fool!'...well unless you're a ninja. Ninjas are cool! I want to be a ninja!  Anyway, off topic. Back to the chuckle.

I looked in the trees and saw a dark figure. "Pilla, you thought you could escape me." The figure laughed again and walked out of the scenery. It took my everything to not scream.

Serin. Devil.

"St-stay away! P-p-please!" I shouted. He walked slowly over to me smiling, savoring each second of my fear. "Pilla. I'm taking you up on that anything offer. So, why don't we do this the easy way without struggle." He offered grabbing my arm roughly.

All I could do was shake my head no and tried to pull away. Keyword: tried. I tried to run, but he slammed me against a tree roughly, and I could feel the bark reopen the chain cuts. "Shh, Pilla. Just go with it." He whispered into my ear before I felt his hand creep up my stomach.

I prayed silently as tears pounded down my cheeks. Lord, let my soul have a better life next time. Please. I wasn't  praying this to be over (but I did want it to be over), I prayed that maybe if I get a second chance it would be better.

Serin's hand kept getting closer to my unspeakables, and I let out a whimper. I closed my eyes, and but somehow my tears found a hole and kept falling. That's when I heard one of the most terrifying sounds a girl in my situation could hear.

A pants zipper unzip.

Scream. Struggle. That's what I did. I let out the most ear piercing scream, and tried to fight against his hold. He raised his hand, and five demons came out behind him.


Three grabbed my arms and legs while snickering, holding me down while two watched for people. I closed my eyes and admitted defeat. I just prayed it would be quick.

That's around the time I heard several growls. I was weak from struggling, but I manged to see a huge sandy blond wolf jump on a guy holding my arm. The huge wolf looked busy killing him when a reddish wolf almost the same size jumped a guy on watch out.

The guys holding me down looked at Serin witless, then they pulled out knives ready to attack. Serin pulled his hand out from under my shirt, and looked at the two guys laying dead on the ground.

Apple (reddish wolf) and Banana (the sandy wolf) were snarling and snapping at the demons before Apple leapt at a demon's hand, and threw him to the ground killing him.

Three left, including Serin.

Serin snapped at the demons something I didn't hear, and they started to drag my limp body away from the wolves and towards headlights. I'm guessing a truck. Banana did not like that idea. He snarled and launched himself at the closest demon, tearing him away from my body before latching onto his throat and shaking him to death.

Two left, including Serin.

They easily dragged me to the pickup. Five meters. Four meters. Three meters. I looked at Apple and Banana and they seemed to nod at each other, before both leaping at the last demon ripping him apart. Serin jut kept going though. He really is heartless. He could hear the scream of his followers dying yet he did nothing. Heartlessly cold.

Apple jumped at the devil, but Serin whisked out a knife and stabbed her in the leg. No! I felt a weird connection to these wolves, like I had to protect them. She whimpered and fell causing Banana to fall next to her licking her muzzle. Serin advanced them with the knife leaving me alone.

I could escape. I got up and stepped away, but I turned back knowing I couldn't leave them. I'm done! I'm done with being weak! I ran pasted Serin and stood protectively in front of the two wolves. "Serin! Don't you dare lay another filthy finger on them!" I shouted.

The look on Serin's ugly face was priceless.

Disbelief. Anger. Frustration. Irrationality. Fear. Wait, fear? "What's with your eyes?! You freak! I'll just kill you like I will them!" He rushed at me, and I fell over the wolves to cover them with my body. I won't let him kill them.

He would have to kill me first.

I heard an ear splitting roar, and I looked up to see a blur of black rush in front of me protectively.


Handsome lunged at Serin knocking him over effortlessly. I heard Serin final screams as Handsome ripped him apart. I got off Apple and Banana, and ran over to Handsome.

I knelt beside him and wrapped my little arms around his huge neck. "Thank you again." I looked at my watch and cursed, well my way of cursing.

"I'll never forget you, but you won't see me again. Today's my last day here, and I'm scared of the death the waits at the house. They'll kill me." I said crying into Handsome's fur. I felt shocks, but decided to ignore them. Getting up and walked over to the pickup was hard. Getting in and turning the key, and driving away was the hardest. But I did it. Not without looking back though.

I did a double take. Handsome's eyes looked exactly like Dakota's.

I shook my head and drove to my death.

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