Carnival Ride from Hell

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I silently closed the heavy door behind when I reached the house. 3:30 p.m, right on time thank god. I was halfway to my 'room' when Devil Rod lumbered out in front of me, "Cow, get over here. I've got a surprise for you," he grinned manically like we were going to Disney World. I wish.

I stood frozen in spot, the floor seeming to be layered with the red hot coals from hell. He took his sweet, precious time getting over to me, that's for sure. It was like he was analyzing every inch and detail in my frighten statue, looking for the slightest weakness. He didn't really have to look hard. I gave off weakness like a skunk does stink.

After an eternity, he stood in front of me smirking. "Come on cow, don't make me drag you downstairs." He put that threat simply, but it had so much more meaning. Downstairs. The literal torture chamber.

Oh no, not downstairs. Please lord! I pleaded to a God that has no name to save me. I just plead to anyone that's willing to listen; I know not the best method, but hey it's something.

I stood there frozen as a Popsicle, "Fine, you had an easy way." He growled. Quick as a poisonous viper, he grab my face and drug me around the house. Ouch, the bruises will be real. I thought painfully. We reached the staircase leading down the stairs.

"I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll be down soon." With that, the devil pushed me down the staircase. Every step was a knife being jabbed into my skin, and I knew I wouldn't come out of this safely, well I mean safer than usual.

I hit my head sometime going down that..that...that carnival ride from hell. Pretty black stars sporadically pranced against my vision as violent dancers. Should I welcome the darkness already, and have more pain later?

It's a reasonable question, because I know if I black out now I will be free from the pain for now, but later it will only grow. Should I suck it up or deal with it later? Geez, I wish you could answer the questions, that would make this book go a lot smoother.

The steps creaked, signaling that I had to make my decision. I sighed and winced deciding my fate. Laying there on the dirty, roughly cemented floor, I decided to suck it up.

I could just hear my sanity and strength screaming that they couldn't take anymore of it.

The Devil finally reached the bottom to my crumpled form, "Ready for some fun? I know I am." He dragged my already beaten body to the iron shackles that were on the wall. Devil shackled me into the cold iron, even he really didn't need too. I never fight back anyway.

I'm gonna skip the horrid beating; we don't need your brains being scarred. Just know I had a score of new chain marks. They weren't pretty either.

As I laid there shackled after he left, I thought over my life. Would it really be worth it living in this world? I don't know anymore! With those delightful thoughts laughing in my mind, I succumb to the darkness.

I woke up unshackled, someone must've had pity on my pathetic self. I need to clean the new gashes. Get up. Get up. Just a little more energy. Encouraging myself, I struggled up the stairs and into the bathroom.

My poor tee shirt. I obviously couldn't wear it anymore, the chains sliced through the fabric and it was stiff with blood. I kinda liked that one too. Bummer.

I turned on the shower to the just right temperature, and slipped into the spray. The water stung my gashes so much I had to brace myself against the wall to keep from collapsing.

I limped to my 'room' and laid down, waiting for the alarm to go off for school.

I hate to know what's going to happen at hell tomorrow.

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