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Beep beep beep

I am going to destroy that alarm with my bare hands one day. One day soon...

Groaning, I rolled out of bed and did my morning routine. When I came out of the bathroom, Dakota was still fast asleep. Really, Dakota? I thought. "Mate wants his beauty sleep. But he sure doesn't need it." Lune yipped dreamily. Mental eye roll.

"Kota?" I poked his cheek in a attempt to awaken the beast. Awaken the beast! Sorry, it just sounded better with an exclamation mark.

"Nooooo." He groaned before throwing the blanket over  his head. Fine. I didn't want it to come down to this but...

"Dakota! They're eating all of your cupcake stash!"

That got him rolling.

"No!" He leapt out of the bed, but fell to the floor with a thud. Maybe the blankets aren't so traitorous after all...maybe. They're still pretty evil.

The look on his face sent me into laughter. Anger, confusion, and fear shown on his face making him look funky. Funky is a weird word. I mean, it looks weird and it sounds weird. Off the point.

He glared at me, "They're not really eating my cupcake, are they?" I calmed myself. "Nope, but we are waiting for you to get dressed. So hurry up." I blew a kiss to him before walking out with the others.

I caught up Walker and chatted with the rest before Dakota finally got down. "Finally! Pilla got down here before you, you old man." Justin complained. "I'm not old! You know what let's go." Dakota defended.

Everybody hopped into their car; even Walker had his truck there. Dakota and I hopped into his truck (except I had to leap because I'm so short. Life as a shortie is hard) and drove off.

The silence was real. It was deafening. It was scream worthy. I knew why though. Today the day the 'surprises' came and everybody was really tense. "Maybe they will forget?" Lune said hopefully.

Yeah right.

"I'll protect you at all costs, Droplet. Nobody is going to touch you." Dakota said suddenly. I was going to reply, but we were at the soul sucking pit already. Here we go again.

I jumped out of truck and landed swiftly on my feet. Seriously, I think that thing is a monster truck. We might need to downsize, because that thing could run over a deer without even a dent, I think.

"Pilla!" Poppy shouted and ran over to me crushing me into a hug. "I didn't see you at your classes yesterday! Was your happy butt skipping?" She raised her eyebrow. I sighed, "No, Poppy, I had to do something. Have I ever skipped?"

She sighed this time, "Nope. Did you hear there's another new kid?! I haven't seen them yet, but I hear it's a he." She suggested. "I am literally right here." Dakota growled. Poppy looked at him in distaste. "Sadly. And I still don't like you."

Oh my life. Poppy just such a subtle person, isn't she? Once, in elementary, we were out playing at the playground and she walked up to a guy and told him he was stinky. Yeah, she kinda doesn't know what to censor.

Dakota was going to reply back but the bell cut him off. I said goodbye to Poppy, hoping she wasn't going to kill him when we turned around and met up with Walker. We all have the same first period class.

We sat down and the demons in training sat down. After a few minutes, still no teacher. You know the rule, after fifteen minutes we get to leave; we were chatting when the door slammed open.

Everybody stopped gossiping, but I took a second to look up. A guy stood in the doorway looking amused at the rest of the class, like we were circus clowns. Clowns aren't that scary, I don't get why some people are terrified of them. Weird people.

This must be the new kid, but he looks so familiar and I can't put my finger on it. I felt Dakota tense next to me and growled lowly. Newbie walked over to us, but I still couldn't put my finger on him. Everybody went back to gossiping like normal.

"Hey, Dakota." He smiled smugly at Dakota. Let me tell you this, Dakota about leaped out of his chair. Walker started to growl lowly too. "Walker." Newbie sneered. His voice was like ice, sharp and cold. Ice is fun to skate on, until you fall on your butt...oops I did it again.

Then he looked at me. I seriously felt like I knew him, but my brain blocked him out. "Pilla, how's life?" He smirked. Ok, stalker moment. "How do you know me?" I managed out without stuttering.

"You seriously forgot about me? Ouch, Pillie, how could you forget me?" He smirked. Then it clicked. Pillie. Him. It. The person who caused it to happen.

"Raphael." I whispered shuddering in fear. "The one and only baby." He leaned in to touch my cheek, but Walker death gripped his hand eyes flashing red before letting him go. "You stay away from Pilla. Or so help me goddess, I will make you feel what you made her feel."

Dakota eyes flashed confusion before growling again, pulling me tight into his chest. "Aw Dakota, possessive much? Can't share?" Satan Raphael taunted.

"Raphael, touch her and I'll kill you." Dakota growled. "Oh Pilla, you haven't told them what happened? Tell them. Now." He commanded.

I was suppose to forget it. It shouldn't have happened. It killed me on the inside. "Droplet? What's he talking about?" Dakota questioned confused. I knew I had to tell it to him sometime. I was stupid to think I would tell him on my own time.

"R-Raphael he t-tried to r-rape me."

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