My Baby!

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I got absolutely no sleep. I was tired, oh so tired, but the chain marks put me in so much pain it was impossible to get comfortable. Isn't half of sleep being comfortable? I think it is; to lay on a soft, squishy, warm bed in a clean, comforting room.

Yeah, I didn't have that.

I don't have a warm, soft bed; no, I had a ratty sleeping bag. I didn't have a clean, reassuring room; I had blood stained walls that were cursed with nightmares. I wish for so much, but what I wish for the most is to be free. Free to come home whenever, but to live.

Yet I can only wish, right?

I got up at 5:43 and got dressed in a light blue tee shirt and black yoga pants. It went like this: make the Devils their food, add the secret ingredient, and be off. Surprisingly, that's what happened. They didn't wake up, but then again it was 6:00 in the morning.

I trekked to school without any stupid interruptions. The morning was windy; when isn't the weather moody when I walk? I don't think weather likes me. No, I don't think Mother Nature likes me.

Some examples of stupid interruptions:

One: moving branches that fell in the way
Two: stupid drivers
Three: weather
Four: dogs
Five: Dakota

Well, Dakota is a distraction! He distracts me in class, lunchtime, and when I'm walking! He's everywhere! He's like a sexy fly; you can't escape flies, once they see you, they got you. Flies are weird. Kinda like me, but you know, I'm not a fly.

I stepped into the the hell hole disguised as a school, and rushed to my locker. Poppy was back today! Poppy was back! Yes! Life is going to get better...maybe. You know, nothing is for sure.

I reached my locker, and before I turned the corner I ran to Poppy and crushed her in a hug. "Oh my gosh! Don't ever leave that long again! I about died, gosh I missed you so so so much." I jumped up and down with her despite the pain in my back. "Oh my god, I missed you more! You don't know how boring the people were." I look at her quizzically.

She just went on a family vacation, "Oh, you know, my family." She answered my look. I looked at the time just to find out we had 20 minutes until first class, ugh! Stupid time.

We talked and talked for around ten minutes when she said she had to go math room to work on homework. Fudge! She can't leave me! All the demons are here, waiting in the darkness ready to jump upon my vulnerable soul. Being the bigger person I am; I let my only protection go. Bye bye. Out the window. Nice knowing you.

I hung out by my locker for awhile reading my book when my book was slapped out of my hands. Ah hell no! Nobody touches my book baby!

"Look at Pilla, slut in sneakers. Pilla, what is it like to never felt love?" Holly cackled with her bright red lipstick. "You would know, I thought guys just had sex with you. I didn't think they ever made love to you." I retorted going down to pick up my book.

High heels slammed down on my fingers, crushing them against the tiled floor. I gasped, because well who wouldn't?! How would you react if your finger were being impaled and crushed against a tiled floor? I doubt you would be a very happy camper.

"Oh look a book." Holly lifted her foot off my fingers and picked up my baby between her witch fingers. Everybody was watching waiting for the next move. Go pop some popcorn if it's this interesting, like seriously. It's like they live off of this stuff. I thought praying my book would be ok.

"This book is so...booky. I think it needs prettying up." Holly smirked and pull out blood red lipstick, " Holly, please don't!" I pleaded for my baby's life. Her smirk only grew. That daughter of a slut!

She took the lipstick, uncapped it, and smeared it all over the pages of my book. Then she threw it back into my hands like it was nothing.

I could hardly keep the tears in. That book was one of my only things I personally owned, well you know my house life. I stood up, with my baby in my hands and pulled her book bag off her shoulder. Guess what I did? I threw it in a nearby trash can.

"Awe, it looks like your book bag was reunited with its cousins. The trash." I spat angrily. Holly screeched and slapped my back...right on the chain marks. She stormed off with her book bag sporting a old banana peel.

I laughed, until I heard a growl. I whirled around to see a very angrily Dakota. "What's got your panties in a bunch?" I asked trying to get the glare off his face. "What happened to your back? It's bleeding, and it's not from the slap."

Ah. Shitzle.

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