Insane Laughter

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The drive there was short, hardly enough time to accept my fate. I breathed in the crisp fall air, savoring my last breath of fresh air before dying. I need to stop this. Heck, I don't want to go down like a weakling! I'm going to make sure I stay in their memories for a long time, and not as the weakling either. I'm smirking just FYI.

I stopped the pickup, and shuffled into the archway to hell. I was greeted the way I thought I would be.

"You stupid cow! You were suppose to cook our supper hours ago!" Devil Paulina screamed. I looked at her and smirked,"I know. I just figure you'd be able to survive a few hours without food seeing as you have enough fat on you to survive days in the dessert." I countered smirking.

I would ask her if she needed ice for that burn, but she'd probably need the whole Antartica. She gasped, and screamed out of frustration of the burn. Devil Rod lumbered in, "What happened?" He asked tiredly. "That filth insulted me! She said I'm fat!"

I took that as a sign to comment again, "I don't see any filth...well except for you. You look like you haven't taken a shower in months, and you smell like it." I plugged my nose and pretended to flick a odor.

Rod's eyes shot open, and turned angry. "You little fuck-up! I will kill you!" I laughed like a manic. I stared him dead in his eye,"The only fuck-up I knew was Serin. Oh yes, he was a major one, more than I would ever be. Oh and guess what? He's dead! He was brutally murdered, all because of me!" I laughed harder.

I could see in his eyes the devil snapped. "I'm going to KILL you!" He screamed. I laughed harder holding my stomach, "Go ahead. I'm already dead! You killed me a long time ago, all but my body. I'm just as dead as Serin now. Dead! Dead! Dead!" I chanted losing my mind.

I laughed as he pulled out a knife and charged me. I don't know how, but I step aside, making him barrel into a wall. I laughed as I saw him sputter, and charge me again. I knew I wouldn't make it out of this one, and I stood there as he drove the knife in my side with full force.

I never stopped laughing.

I laughed through the pain. I laughed through the blood flooding out of me. I laughed until I couldn't anymore. I haven't crumpled yet, just leaned against the wall taking my sweet time dying. "It's going to get blood on my carpet, finish her outside." Paulina whined.

So I got dragged outside. Yay! Free ride!

I was under the moon, with its light licking my face. It started again. The laughing. I laughed even though it hurt more. "Shut up you stupid bitch!" Devil Rod shouted through my laughter. "Make me." I said before laughing again.

I've gone insane, and I like it.

He stabbed my leg, only causing my laughter to spike. He finally realized I wasn't going to stop, and lifted the knife to my throat. "Bye bitch." He said and raised the knife to stab my throat


A look of confusion crossed his face, and I laughed when I heard it.

I heard the growl I've grown so familiar with. Handsome, Apple, and Banana lunged at devil, and all I could do was laugh through the pain. I laughed through his screams of mercy. I laughed through his screams of pain like he had done to me.

Devil Paulina came out with a throwing knife and aimed it at Banana. He didn't realize it, but I did. I knew that that would kill him. I knew I wouldn't let that happen. I stood up by some miracle, and rushed in front of Banana as the knife flung through the air.

I felt slow motion again, except my mind was zooming trillions miles an hour. I stared at the knife reaching my heart, and I closed my eyes.

It zoomed past me and lodged itself in a tree. I looked at the last devil alive, and she opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but it turned into a smirk when she whirled another knife at me, catching me off guard.

It went slow motion again, and I turned to the wolves. I gave them a sad look before turning back, and grabbing the knife in midair. "I forgot you were always a butt sniffer." I said before throwing the knife down and collapsing. Handsome immediately stood protectively above me.

The darkness tried to get in, but I fought it away.

Yep after all that, my last words were 'I forgot you were always a butt sniffer' I thought to myself. I chuckled at myself as the wolves finished the last of the Devils. I let down my pain wall and all off it flowed in, causing me to scream in pain. Apple and Banana started to run over to me, but Handsome growled roughly making them stop.

I looked up at Handsome, and petted his fur until the pain became to much causing me to black out.

Not dead yet, but close to it. I thought before I went completely out.

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