Hungery the Hunger

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And that's how my night went, with their insults swirling in my dreams like whirlpools. Like always. I never get an ok nights sleep. It's always ridden with words or actions that hurt me more than I let on. It's like I can never truly get away from them.

I gingerly sat up due to my bruises from the kicks at lunch. Wobbling, I walk over to my box of clothes, and pull the one of the only nice clothes I have. {outfit up top}. Silently, I creep downstairs, and make their breakfast, setting it on the table. Not before spitting on them though. He he.

I walk out of that hell hole and through the awaking woods. The birds chirped and went along with their day; only worrying about the juiciest worms. I wish I could do that. Well, not the worm part...ew. No, just worry about nothing and sing out of happiness. La la la!

I trekked into the other SSP before Serin and the horde could get into their natural environment. Taking in my school; I knew it wasn't the largest. I mean, everybody knew everybody else; news got around in a snap, and people made friends and enemies quickly.

That was good in first grade, because we all knew who pick their nose or peed their pants. Now, people use that power to criticize, like who wore that or said that. It's horrid how one person could ruin someone's reputation like that.

I got to my locker; got my books, and left. Simple as that. You see, all drama starts at my locker, no matter what I did it just happens, boom! Then I remember Poppy is signed out for three more days! Oh fudge my life all the way to India.

The classes went by smoothly... until well, lunch. I followed the horde of starved demons into the torture center, and sat at my normal table. Alone. Like I said before I'm just not social, no matter where. I'll be at the pool, and I'll stay in the most desolate part. Typical Pilla.

I'm so hungry! I still have another day until I can eat anything. I'm so hungry that if hungry was hungry that would be me times thirteen. An apple would be great...Mmm.

I close my eyes to try not to focus on the little warriors raging my stomach for food, when I hear a chair squeak. I shoot my eyes open, just to roll them. "Dakota, why are you at my table?" He shook his head smiling, "I was going to invite you over to our table, but if you don't want to..." Several of the snobby, rich girls were glaring nail files at me. Trust me on this, I really didn't want to get stabbed with a nail file.

"Uh, yeah sure." He led me over to a table, with a beautiful, red head girl and a blond, cheery-looking guy. They looked awfully close, like girlfriend and boyfriend. Maybe they are. "Hey I'm Alexia! This is Matt. And you must be Pilla! Welcome to our table of freaks!", the red-head-who-must-be-Alexia said happily.

"Hi. Nice to me-", I was cut off by a loud shout. I whipped my head around to see a jock and a geek in battle stances, ready to throw punches. They were shouting profanities and shoving each other roughly. Wide eyed; I stared at them, wanting to stop it.

I gulped as I saw the football jock shove the poor guy to the ground, "This is what you get for not doing my homework, pig!"


That got me riled up. I've been called that a great many times. Nobody should be called names like that. Nobody. Especially for that stupid reason.

He raised his fist above the geek, ready to make a crater in his face. Remember when I said that my legs sometimes totally disconnected from my brain? Yeah, that's what happened. My legs sped over to the totally uncalled for scene, knocking chairs out of my way. Before my stupid little mind can process what I'm doing; I'm in front of the geek.

"Stop! Why don't you pick on somebody else, coward!" I shouted at the really, really, big football jock. That's when my tiny brain kicked in. Why didn't it kick in before this? I am not smart, not at all. I. Am. So. Screwed. I thought angrily to myself.

"Bitch, how about I pick on you? My fist would look nice in your face." I laughed; I'm not crazy, ok! I prefer entirely bonkers.

"Oh really? Is that really the best you got. Jeez, even your comebacks suck. Just like you." The lunchroom gasped and froze waiting to watch the blood be spilled. Why can't they be this quiet in class? Honestly guys!

" No, I got this." With that he flung his first straight toward my face.

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