Ending It

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Dakota slammed his fist on the table, completely cracking it in half. Splitters flew everywhere...including into my skin. They burrowed like moles into my skin, and I couldn't help but cry out.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKER!!!" Dakota roared shaking in anger. He was shaking like a maraca, just less fun and kind of scary. His eyes switched but it was different this time. Instead of the red ring it was a hard gold ring that shined with hatred.

Walker got up and ran to the fire alarm pulling it. The shrill sound of the alarm about exploded my ears to tiny bits, but I stayed frozen. Raphael smirked at me, and that set Dakota into a roaring spree.

"Fire! Everyone out!" Walker shouted. They wouldn't be that stupid to- My thoughts were interrupted by a scream and footsteps rushing out until the classroom was empty.

"Oh yeah, little Pilla here actually thought of it, but backed out." Satan smirked. Not true! That lying, conniving bassfunk! I never wanted it. At least he didn't get to go through with it.

Dakota roared and leapt at Raphael, tackling him to the ground. The started to fight; Dakota easily overpowering him laying punch after punch after punch after punch until a crack sounded in the empty classroom.

Dakota just broke Raphael's nose.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Dakota roared before continuing his punching storm. That would hurt, a storm's raindrops just punched you. You wouldn't be able to escape it if you were stuck outside. Ouch.


Walker rushed over and pulled Dakota off a unconscious Raphael, "Stop! You'll kill him!" Walker shouted and struggled to hold him back. "That's the point!" Dakota roared, and pushed past him.

Yet, I was still frozen.

Frozen worst than a mouse during winter. He wasn't supposed to come back. He started it to happen. He's started one of my insecurities.

I pushed past my surprise and slowly got up. "Dakota, stop." I said calmly. I was only calm because I was overwhelmed.

"Be quiet, Pilla! From what he says you started it! Just go away!" Dakota growled at me and it hurt. I never thought that my lovable Kota would turn into something that would growl at me. I never thought he wouldn't believe me. What have I done? Why does my life always explode in my face? Why?!

He said he would never hurt me, but here we are. I let myself trust to easily, and it always blows up like a fireball in my face. I trusted him. I believed him. I loved him.

I loved him so much.

I closed my eyes as traitorous tears waged war with my eyeballs. My heart hurt worst then when he fought with Walker; it felt like ice was cutting it to bits.

"Fine, I'll go away. Out of your life." I whispered with my eyes closed. I didn't want to see his angry face. Walking past Walker and Dakota without out looking at their faces was hard, but I did it.

I turned when I reached the door, "You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll finish what should have been done already. Just know that Kota, I loved you." I turned and sprinted using Lune's speed to get out of there.

I just couldn't handle this anymore; I felt my happiness slip away along with my ability to be my sarcastic self. I let the tears fall freely, because these tears will be the only thing I leave behind besides broken dreams.

My legs traveled to the place I accidentally ran too when I first running from Dakota. To the place I cried the first time I thought he hurt me.

The cliff.

I slowly walked to its edge and glanced down at the rocks. "Please, Pilla. Don't do this. Please just go back to Dakota, this isn't the answer. Please, Pilla. Pleas-"  Lune begged but I cut her off. I'm sorry. I told her before shutting her out.

"I'm sorry. I'm not needed or wanted here anymore. I going to finish what should have been done years ago... I'm ending the pain. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Dakota that I couldn't be the mate you deserved. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. So so sorry." I finished my speech and glanced down at the rocks a final time before looking at the sky.

"I couldn't do it mom and dad. I can't do it. At least you'll see me now, and maybe I'll be able to see my friends live a happy life."

I had no more tears, because I accepted this. That I wasn't supposed to be here.

I closed my eyes and stepped to the very edge of the cliff, "Goodbye." I whispered and put a foot over the edge.


Then I dropped.

Omg! I'm literally crying right now.


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