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Dakota looked at me in shock.

Do I have something on my face? Well, beside frosting. Frosting is so delicious! Frosting is like the topping of God.

"Really? You'll let me like that?" Dakota's mouth hung open. Was I supposed to resist? These werewolves things are confusing beyond belief. Then again, I didn't believe werewolves existed until a few months ago.

"Yeah, I want to be yours, and I don't want anybody else. So mark me." He's eyes switched from shock too love and appreciation. "Our mate is so handsome and loving. Thank you for letting him mark us." Lune purred. You're welcome. I smiled in my brain.

"Pilla, you don't how much I love you right now. Let's head back to the house, and we'll do it there." He smiled and walked over to me and swooped me into his arms. He carried me to his monster pickup and set me in before getting in himself, driving off.

Crickets and owl sang their songs in the night, and the trees and grass glowed silver in the moonlight. Tonight was so beautiful. Both physically and emotionally. Dakota and I both admitted we loved each other, and we were going to seal the bond tonight.

Poppy will not be happy about this.

Reasons why Poppy will not be happy.
One: She just plainly doesn't like Dakota.
Two: I didn't let her get me ready for the date. Except in my defense, I didn't know that I would go from cliff to date.
Three: I didn't tell her that I loved Dakota.

Then again, Poppy might be happy about this.

Reasons why Poppy might be happy
One: She loves the girl talk when I do girl talk to her.
Two: She'll just be happy I found someone I love that loves me back.

I hope Poppy will be happy otherwise someone will need a hospital room.

We reached the house and Dakota carried me to our bedroom. Our. That's a small word, but it has so much meaning. It's our bed in our house. It's our life. It's our future.

He laid me gently on the bed, "Ok Droplet, I'm going to bite down right here." He slid his finger to a tender part of my neck causing me to shiver. "Ready?" He asked, his eyes full of happiness.

"Of course, dinglebutt." I smiled and waited. Dakota started to kiss my neck, slowly making his way down to the spot. He reached the tender part and kissed it gently. I shivered in pleasure. It felt like butterflies were kissing my skin, and feathers were rushing softly against it.

"Pilla, I'm going  to do it." Dakota warned. All I could do was nod. Geez, I'm such a girly girl. He kissed my neck one last time before biting into my neck with his wolf teeth.

A burning sensation seared across my neck before a wave of pleasure over took it. I bit my lip to keep in the shivers, and he pulled his teeth out. "Droplet? Are you ok? I didn't bite down to hard did I?" I shook my head no, suddenly to tired to speak.

"Droplet, I'm so pr-"
Then I fell asleep.


I marked my mate! I dreamed about marking my mate for my whole life. I dreamed about having my other half to spoil and love, and here she is! She's even more beautiful then I imagined, but her personality is contagious.

Pilla is always so happy and energetic, even with all this shit going on. My mind drifted off to Raphael. My brother...no... he doesn't get that title anymore. That basturd will rot in hell for all he's done... I'll make sure of it.

"We got a beautiful mate man. You're so lucky you didn't mess up. Well, you did but she's very forgiving, so I guess you are lucky." Rono jabbered on. Could you be quiet! Why did I get a motormouth wolf.

Back to my Droplet.

"Droplet, I'm so proud of you-" I was interrupted by a snore. I looked down at my little Droplet, and she was passed out snoring. Aww... She's adorable! Better yet, I get to call her my equal! God, I'm becoming such a girl.

I sighed smiling, before getting into bed with her and tucking her in with a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight my little Droplet." I whispered before falling asleep next to her.

I feel like I'm overwhelming you with updates. I'm just soooo bored! Third update in seven hours!!!
I write for your comments, they motivate me to write. If I don't get comments I feel like I'm failing. We don't want that know do we?


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