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I ran.

Yeah, you know I hate running, like I told you before. Don't tell me you forgot already? Ok, I don't really know your answer; I'm just going to believe you did. But if you didn't...I'm watching you. I'll throw spoons at you too. Anyway, back to the running.

I ran through branches that whipped my legs and thorns that pricked me roughly, drawing slight blood. I kept going though, the pain was nothing.

Home. I'm going home. Pathetic that I call the abandoned library home. Then again, I never said I wasn't pathetic. I ran my legs harder and faster than I ever could before. I swear I saw the trees blur, but before I could realize if they were; I came to a large crack in the earth separating one side from the other. I must've took a wrong turn! Curse me and my sucky navigational system!

Twigs and crashing came to my ears, signaling that the chase was almost done and I had lost. I look down over the cliff, and saw the most jagged rocks. I wonder if I could kabob an apple on them? I thought amusing myself. The twigs breaking got closer until they were almost here. I looked desperate at the other side, when Dakota came out panting and breathing hard.

"How the fuck did you run that fast?! You know what, I don't care. Just please don't make me drag you." He commanded more than told. I look over to the other side and the grass did look greener. Woah, the grass is greener on the other side. Funny.

"Catch me." I mumbled suddenly feeling weak and drained.

I fell backward right over the cliff, to my death.

See! This is why I don't run! Running does nothing for you! Well, except getting you fit and things like that, but hey, who cares.

I felt the air push my hair forward, and the warm feeling of accomplishment. Why accomplishment you may ask? I've lived long enough to see justice, and that's all I needed. I needed to see the world with less people who bring pain to others.

I felt a smile creep on to my face, as the rocks got closer and closer. Then I felt something grip onto my leg pulling me back up to the side.


His eyes showed nothing but worry, and I knew I scared him. Wait a minute...he was supposed to be dead. Dakota killed them...maybe. Ugh, then were Dakota go?!

I heard something crack on the bottom of the cliff. can't be. He can't have fallen! I ran over to the edge, and peered over. My heart sank so deep; I think it went to China.

Ripped basketball shorts clung to the rocks below.

"DAKOTA!" I screamed as tears fell into the earth. I cried over the edge and tried to climb down. I felt so broken thinking he had died, that he was gone.  Handsome pull on my leg, dragging me away from the edge.

Scream. I did that out of hurt. He said he wouldn't hurt me, and look he did. Everybody leaves eventually; I should've known that. Why did I let my heart in the way of my mind?

"Why? Dakota, you said you'd never hurt me, but look now. You left me, but I should've known. I trusted you so easily; you said you'd never hurt me.  You said you'd never hurt me. You said you'd never hurt me! You said you'd never hurt me!" I whispered bitterly.

I looked over at Handsome with tears blurring my vision, "Why?! Why did you save me and not him?! I have nothing to live for, but then again when did I!? I'm useless! I'm ugly! I'm fat! I'm a nothing!" I shouted at Handsome, breaking down completely.

Handsome whimpered before I heard twigs breaking signaling he had left. I heard him; I never said I saw him leave. I was way too broken up to look up, and I felt so lost.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I felt that I could squeeze out the world, and the only thing that would be left would be me laying and crying on this patch of earth. Twigs broke, signaling someone or something was here, but I didn't care. With all the events of today it was hard too care, I was to rattled.

Then something simply life wondering happened. (Yep, I just made that up. Life wondering is going to be the new phrase.)

Warm hands started stroking my chocolatey hair, "I never left, Droplet. I'll never leave you ever, trust me." My eyes shot open, and before I knew it my arms wrapped around Dakota. I was crying when I realized he didn't really have a shirt on and just had another pair of basketball shorts on, but I didn't care.

We were savoring the moment when a arrow pierced through the air and embedded itself in the tres next to us.

Someone's shooting at us.

Howling Badboyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें