Mouse Squeaks

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We walked down a candle lit hallway holding hands. This hallway looked different as though it belong in a middle aged castle. The walls were made out of stone and it had torches with handles carved into wolves. It was cool, like we were walking back in time.

"Uh, Dakota?" I asked wondering where we were going. "Hmm?" He hummed. "Where are we going possibly? Oh my godly! Are we going to oz?!" I shot out. That would be so cool! I would love to see the emerald city!

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me, "Droplet, we are not going to oz. Trust me on that, but we are going to the Elder Artos. He knows almost everything."


Soon we arrived at out destination, I guess. A heavy, oak door stood in front of us flickering in the fire light. It had metal, complicated, swirling designs across the whole door; whoever did those designs had skills. A lot of skill. A lot of skill.

Dakota slipped his hand out of mine, and sudden coldness filled it instead. He knocked on door door loudly, "Elder Artos, it is I, Alpha Dakota." He said in a strong voice. Woah, that was kinda hot...I mean cool. (I actually meant hot.)

The door swung open slowly, creaking loudly in the silent hallway. Ok, huge door slowly creaking open by itself is...different.

Dakota smoothed out his clothes (which by the way, he still stinks), and straightened his posture. This Artos fella must be important if he got Dakota to straighten up literally. I probably look like a lion ate me then spat me out just to eat me again.

What do I do? I thought nervously. "Well, I sense a powerful wolf in there so make us look good in front of Dakota." I could practically see my 'wolf' winking. What? I don't exactly think you'd be throwing terms if you just found out you a werewolf. Now would you? Precisely.

We walked in side by side through the door way and the sight was breathtaking. Well, maybe not for some of you, but if you're reading this book it would've been.

Books lined the walls; books in every corner; books on everything. The walls had oak, shelves carved into them like wolves that seemed to gleam with the stories they were holding, and the books whispered catches of their tales of adventures and quests. That was just the books, too.

There was a lazy fire going in the corner that casted a orangish glow across the room and several cushiony chairs. I think one of favorite parts I saw though was a window seat that gazed out a round window into the forest.

I broke off from Dakota, and ran over to one of the many book shelves. Running my fingers over the spines, they seemed to seep stories. I closed my eyes and took second to realize I wasn't dreaming.

"Pilla! Don't do that, that's the Elder's! Don't touch things without his permission." Dakota whisper yelled, looking horrified that I had touched something without asking.

"It's quite alright son. Books are things to be enjoyed; to be read."

A voice full of authority spoke out gently, and the owner of the magical voice stepped out. He was a older man, maybe seventies, with gray hair and a trimmed, yet still scraggly beard. He hobbled over us on a cane carved with wolves howling to the moon.

Dakota instantly bowed his head. Am I supposed to bow my head too? "Elder Artos, we have come to ask you a question." Dakota spoke his head still bowed while I looked around very, very, very, very, very confused. So this was Elder Artos?

"Raise son, I will get to your question. First; though, I would like to know who this is, and why she didn't bow her head. Which might incidentally may answer your question."

Oops. I guess I was supposed to bow my head, I think.

Dakota opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off. "Let her answer for herself." Elder Artos spoke calmly. Oh god. I don't want to answer for myself though.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, "Hello sir, I'm Pilla Gordan." I squeaked out. When did I become a mouse?! Ugh, I'm horrible at this. Truly, utterly horrible.

"Nice too meet you Pilla, and I'm guessing you're Dakota's mate, correct?" I looked at Dakota. "Yes." I squeaked again. Like seriously! When did I eat a mouse?!

"There was only one wolf in the history of wolves that was able to stand in front of an Elder without submission, but that's not possible. She wouldn't do it again unless we were all in grave danger." The Elder said almost to himself staring into space.

He snapped back to us, "Come, sit." He wobbled over to a collection of chairs lined around the fire place. "Elder, who is she and why wouldn't she do it if we weren't in danger?" Dakota questioned.

Artos sighed, "Well children, let me tell you a little story."

I was getting a bad feeling in my stomach at the look on his face.

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