Chapter Twenty One

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After two days sleeping on cramped waiting room chairs with Carter who refused to leave the hospital, it'd begun to really take it's toll. Mom isn't happy that we won't stay at the hotel with everyone, but Carter just wasn't movable and I didn't feel right leaving him here alone and to be quite frank, I didn't want to be stuck in a hotel room with my mother.

"It's my turn to get coffee, want anything else?" I ask, standing up and stretching.

Carter peeks up at me from under his arm shielding his face from the light, "Uh,  mind grabbing me a muffin or something? Blueberry."

I nod, stepping out of the waiting room, only to nearly smash into a woman in scrubs who plasters on a too-friendly smile and catches me by the arms to steady us, "Sorry about that, I'm looking for a Theo. I wasn't aware anyone else was up here with you two--"

"Sorry, that's me, who's looking?" I state, too tired to feel nervous about a reaction.

She pauses, taking in what I've said before closing her mouth for a moment and restarting, "Right. There's three people downstairs asking to see you. I can't send them up, so I told them I'd direct you to the cafeteria if you agreed."

I have a faint idea of who is waiting for me, but I glance back at Carter who has already passed out again. The poor kid has barely slept since we arrived, jumping at every sound hoping it's someone coming with good news or at least permission to visit his mom for a while again. It breaks my heart to see him so desperate, and in all fairness, I've been in much  the same condition, though it feels like I'm forcing my breakdowns in a corner where I can ignore them to be strong for Carter. I'm shattered by this entire experience, but it doesn't need to be about me right now.

"Don't worry, your parents are back and on their way up soon," She assures me, which is the only reason I agree and let her lead me downstairs until she points down a hall telling me to take a right to the cafeteria.

I run my hand sleepily through my hair, feeling that it's starting to get a little gross and realizing how much I want to shower before seeing people, but too late for that, I guess. Stepping into the cafeteria, I glance around the small crowd of people, looking for faces I recognize. It's not until a hand suddenly shoots up and starts waving that I see them sitting together at one table and to say the least, it's a strange sight.

Lane, Rick and Rene who is dressed much too nicely to be sitting in a hospital cafeteria. I take a deep breath and even though I've made obvious eye contact, I start to turn around, but the sound of quick approaching feet make me cringe as hands land on my shoulders and turn me back around.

"I don't think so, Reesy," Lane sighs, smiling slightly, but I can see the serious gleam in his eye.

I frown, and allow him to walk me to the table where the other two are sat. It's honestly beyond confusing how these three even ended up in the same place, let alone arriving together. They did arrive together didn't they? I don't know how else to explain this strange meet-up. Scratch that, I can't think of an explanation at all.

We all sit in silence for a moment, before I take Rick's coffee out of his hands, take a huge gulp wishing it were alcohol, and face them all, "Alright. What's the deal? Why are you three here--in the same place--together? Last I checked, Rene didn't actually know either of you and Lane and Rick hated each other."

Rene shrugs and takes the coffee, too, making Rick roll his eyes as he turns to me, "Lane caught me ditching second period and asked me to give him a ride here so he could check on you."

"Yeah, a ride," Lane scoffs, sipping his own coffee. "It wasn't exactly an invitation to hang around."

"I wanted to make sure everything was okay, too," Rick argues, taking his coffee out of Rene's hands and grimacing at the mark of lipstick on the rim before surrendering it back to her. "Shut up and be grateful I brought you at all."

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